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Smoking At the Skatepark

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Juggalo Stoner, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. I love blazing bud at the skate park. I seriously can't think of a better place too chill right now. Although I'm not the best skater I had the funnest time skating. I don't even know any tricks. It was also fun watching the people who were good at skating show off. I mean they were killin' it. It was SICK!!! Much funner too watch while stoned!!! Man...I've gotta get a skateboard so that I can get better at this!!! I remember going down a ramp and busting my ass. That SUCKED!!! That shit was YouTube worthy my man!!!

    LMFAO. Does anybody else just like too kick it, blaze and skate??
  2. if ur smoking around little kids, stop! thats just me, i know the too skate parks i have frequented always have little skaters and scooters and bikers with there knee pads, and elbow pads, and helmets, i just dont think they need to be exposed to taht, yet.
  3. Yeah man, wait till they're over 18 before you expose that shit to little kids.
    Also, you should keep it low-key when smoking around kids because you never know what a kid could do. You don't want to be influencing them just so they could look cool or anything, also they could tell their parents or people around the park. etc.

    But, then again, I started smoking weed around the age of 14. Yet it was more of a friendly feeling, around my area, it was never really about being cool. It was about smoking with a bunch of friends and doing some fun shit.
  4. yah man i used to skate and chill in the bowl with a fat bowl =) it was great
  5. I love smoking at the skatepark it's so fun I live in newyork and I go to a skatepark under the manhattan bridge so nobody can really see unless you go down the stairs and it funny because all the little kids ask the older ones to buy them backwoods and their like 14 and 15 but i smoke in their early in the morning and skate the whole day or just smoke it while I skate around the city
  6. man, you guys need to chill.. the first 2 replies.. one was like

    "yo, smokin around kids, not cool"

    and the next was basically

    "yea fooool, you smoking around kids WTF?"

    hes not smoking around kids, chill out.

    believe it or not, it's possible to smoke with kids within a mile radius of you.. and not have them see it..
  7. #7 joe_guy, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2009

    alrite homieeeeeeee

    im jsut sayin not every skate park has little kids around thme 24/7 but exposing 7-11 year olds to herbal isnt the best thing for them, and most skate parks arnt a mile in radius, at least the ones ive been too arnt esspecailly large so its rather hard to smoke a bowl and not be seen by small kids, its a question of ethics, or of the culture in your town, were i spent most of my teenage life you wouldnt do somthing like that, just cause of the dominating relgion of the town(plus all the "hardcore" stright edge kids hahahhahaha). i wouldnt do that any ways jsut cause its against my beliefs. mybe skate parks your used to are huge, the ones i go to mybe u could jump in the bowl to smoke, cuase i never see little kids there but still ud have to dodge all the good skaters, whynot walk off a few paces and smoke a bowl there or since kdis are goin to be exposed to it any wyas pack a ciggy full. what ever im just saying fool.

    edit also im not say its bad to smoke at a skate park just use you discretion when kids are around.
  8. o and dude, smoke around kids isnt cool man. haha
  9. Okay. This is getting annoying. I am going too make it clear for EVERYBODY. I WAS NOT SMOKING AROUND ANY LIL KIDS!!! OKAY?? Good. Glad we got that outta the way.

  10. woah chill mann i said if
  11. Fuck yeah bro, just commit more, bend those knees and lean forward more and you'll be shreddin hard haha.
  12. yeah i love getting stoned and going skating
    hell yeah

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