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Smoking at parties...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by boo2hed, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Should that be a no no? I just got back to SF and I went to an apartment party and started smoking. Everyone else was drunk. Basically noone could talk intelligently or into trippy stuff. Everyone felt so fast and I was just sitting down. I didn't wanna move around. If everyone else smoked and got to my level, we would all be sitting down talking about life right? Haha. Everyone said I was glued to the couch, but why should I move around you know? LOL
  2. get a friend to smoke with you, and anything to have fun..right?
  3. If your the only one and don't know the people too well and are just smoking there, maybe some would have a problem. But, if there's a few of you it shouldn't be a big deal..

    It especially wouldn't be a big deal if you have a large circle of pot smoker friends. And only go to parties where pretty much everyone is smoking and drinking. ;) :smoke:
  4. Drink before smoking? But instead of being glued to the couch you'll be glued to the floor, SLAYED!
  5. smoking at parties is better than being drunk, and losing all control man.

    Its not like everyone who smokes only talks about life. Theres millions of other topics, why should life be on the top of the list? You dont see anyone discussing why are we here, or who is god? IMO that shit is annoying.

    Talk about funny stuff, or do fun shit.

    Being high feels much better too, no hangover in the morning and you dont feel like shit the entire me this sunday i got wasted and regret it in the morning, they told me i was cussing like a sailor, and it was towards people that i care about....fuck i feel so bad :(

    Fuck alcohol, smoke the herb.
  6. Why go to a party just to sit and smoke? Walk around and socialize at least, find a drunk girl to blaze with you lol. Drunk people suck most of the time unless you drink too.
  7. I hate parties most of the time unless I'm buddies with the host. My favorite party that I go to is one at a friend's house. I'm real chill with him and his 5 housemates, so I get to play house-rules.
  8. and smoke a sativa for a party, then you wont have couch lock
  9. Haha I see. I should just find a couple buddies who catch my stoney vibe lol. Drinking is for parties. Smoking is to settle in. How are you guys were your stone? I just like to be around people I'm close to and over analyze stuff or watch a movie or play games and then eat.
  10. Yea nothing is worse than getting sloppin drunk, blowing chunks, and loosing half a g. of dro.
    Thats what i love about smoking, you are SO in control, unlike alcohol which practically makes people borderlined retarted
  11. Who cares as long as you're having fun. And by having fun, I mean not being a total killjoy. Because those suck.
  12. your supposed to bring pure sativa strains to parties...

    indica just makes you boring lol.
  13. basically find a few friends who smoke, bring a 4th of your favorite pure sativa strain, or sativa dominant smoke it and just party. Indicas are my favorite for solo dolo or just kickin back with like 3 of my closest friends. It seems like your repetitively new to the game so just experiment and learn your way around.

    Soon you'll understand the different feels in a Sativa vs a Indica so just keep tokin bro

    Sativa just gives you a shit load of energy and for me I just want to dance, still i tend to stay isolated, its not like being drunk but its more of a 'party drug' haha
  14. I light up at parties, only if people are with me though.
  15. It was always interesting for me to get stoned at a party and sit back and watch the drunks stumble, slur, and fight. They gave up control for a good time they probably wouldn't remember. Me? I watched, had a good time and am here today to vouch for the stupidity of alcohol. Bud before Bud Lite.
  16. Yeah I kinda just realized that bud will make you more observant than usual and alcohol will blind your choices (everything feels good to be stupid).

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