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Smoking and then doing school work

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jaytes, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I have a four page rough draft due on Tuesday for English. I was planning on at least starting it today and blazing tonight but the weather looks shitty and I heard we're supposed to get some snow and freezing rain and because I came back from school this weekend and am with my parents the only way I can burn is driving somewhere.

    So my question any of you guys burn and then try to do homework? I know it's not the most fun thing to do when high but I feel like I can concentrate and think about more stuff that might help me on an essay when I'm baked.
  2. Depends what type of work I'm doing, overall though I feel more creative if I'm writing a paper and sometimes more motivated to think of smoking as my reward while doing my homework.
  3. Aslong as I can concentrate otherwise i just wind up watching T.V. or something.
  4. I actually wrote some of my college application while high, the questions kind of make you think pretty deeply and what better way to do that than toke up:smoke:
  5. I'd say write a full page sober, then take a break/smoke, come back and if you want to do more go for it, that way, if you become the typically lazy stoner, atleast you know you completed a page. win win right? i think so.;.
  6. Would you rather be smoking two joints?... Or Doing your homework?

    ....I knew you'd say that!!
  7. I never do homework high - especially if I want to remember it for a test

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