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Smoking and Sports

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Shanky, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. How many of you smoke regularly while also competing in a high level sport? I smoke multiple times daily and play soccer at a very elite level, anyone else do something similar?
  2. When I was in high school I was the best baseball player on our team and a formidable Lineman on the football field. I toked it everyday after school
  3. I'm a goalkeeper in highschool, can you elaborate on this elite level? D1, college, semi-pro etc.
  4. I ran cross country and was #4 on the team out of 32. Smoked before one race and got my pr of a 16:32. It was so relaxing while running high. I also played lacrosse and wrestled but running seems more bad ass haha

  5. I compete in sport jujitsu on a national level. Toke 3-5 times a week, about as often as I train.

    Ranked third, nationally. :)

  6. I loled at this, elite :D

    OT- I used to when I played soccer under -18.Not anymore.

    Off topic- How hard is to join an american soccer team, can someone explain me how can I get a trial at a team? Thanks in advance.
  7. I was a 3 sport athlete in high school when I started smoking. I play college basketball now, still light up several times per day.
  8. Haha well OP said he played a very elite level :p

    I think if you start at a D1 school you have a good chance. Getting an agent is a must. It's all about catching a break, sometimes its not always worth it.

    My soccer coach graduated from a D1 school, started on the team and was also a captain. He actually scored a bicycle kick ( video here haha :[ame=]YouTube - Luke Gagliardi Bicycle Kick Goal[/ame] )

    But yeah, he was offered to play semi-pro soccer somewhere, but he turned it down. Since he went to college for 4 years, he would easily make more money, so it wasn't a bad choice. But yeah it's all about catching the right break and knowing the right people. Oh yeah, skill is a minor factor :p
  9. I was a competitive swimmer in high school and i still swim competitively[please no michael phelps jokes, its overplayed]. I smoke at least 2-5 times daily.
  10. i played soccer basketball softball in high school and soccer in college until i went apeshit partying freshman year and lost my scholarship...smoked allll the timee.
  11. I hurdle on a D2 Track team. I've never ran while high, though. We do occasionally get drug tested. They're more of a joke than anything, since our coaches find out about them like a month before we actually have to take them. People can get most stuff out of their systems by then. Including roids...
  12. Yeah played football and baseball and smoked wind sprints were a bitch though.

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