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Smoking and School?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by coucoulamiss, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. I'm in my final year of school, and looking to get a really high mark to get into the uni course I want. Like, 99.6, Australian HSC. So yeah, big.

    Thing is, I also like weed. A lot. And I often smoke some late at night after studying to de-stress and also make life a little less boring. With all this work I don't get to go out a lot so the herb is such a lifesaver.

    However, I wouldn't want to jeopardise my final result at school. I've heard stuff about how when you're not high you find yourself more lazy and apathetic, also worse off emotionally. So my question, how do you find that weed has affected your day-to-day life, if at all? Would you recommend that I limit it to once a week, once every two weeks or... yeah... just to go ahead and smoke that shit?
  2. I think smoking in the evening, (after you've done all your homework of course :D ) should be perfect for you.
  3. I vote for the reward system :smoking:

    after you get all the important things done where you might need a clear mind to think (lol... RIGHT) reward yourself with smoking :)
  4. I smoked every night during senior year and that was the first year ever that I had straight A's.
  5. Well, seems our conclusion is unequivocal so far then. :cool:
    Thanks everyone!
  6. I started smoking everyday this past summer (or close to everyday). Now, im a college freshman. I was a good student in highschool 3.8 overall GPA. I also play baseball in college. I have some very tough classes, but despite baseball and smoking most days, i still managed a 3.7 GPA. To me, this proves that personally, i can do just as well with weed. I'm sure it varies from person to person, but i think as long as you keep shit straight you should be good!:hello:

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