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Smoking and peanut allergies?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Buzzlightyear, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. So here is my questions. I have a friend who has this other friend who he blazes with everyday. This other guy has a peanut allergy, so due to this before someone comese to blaze they are supposed to mouthwash due to this allergy.

    I dont really have a problem with it, but I was just wondering if someone actually ate like peanut butter and then ripped the bong would the peanuts coming off your breath be a real problem. I would think it being on you hands and then getting on the outside of the bong is a more likely way to set of his allergy.
  2. yes smell or touch could prob affect them... My friend kissed a chick after eating a PB cup and she had to bust the epi pen out... so out of respect for your friend. Wash your hands and mouth! it could be fatal to him.
  3. just use different pieces or dont eat peanut butter before you toke
  4. haha i do wash my hands and mouth, I was just curious if it was actually a problem or not. Better to be safe than sorry, I mean I wouldnt want to be all stoned and have to deal with an epi pen
  5. holy shit, think if you were really high and your throat started closing up and shit. That would be a fucking scary experience.

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