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Smoking and Driving

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thereddfoxx12, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. I can't drive worth a damn when I'm high. For some reason, I always seem to hook the ball into the woods. The upside is I can putt like a demon when I'm stoned.
  2. Ah yet more bullshit. Your reaction time is still compromised as are your perceptions of time and distance.
  3. Smoking and driving is fun, BUT you can't just rip some bong hits of indica and go proclaiming yourself as a safe driver. But there is also a difference between being stoned and high. IMO I think it's safer to drive high than stoned. Be wise and know yourself.
  4. I pretty much agree with this. However, it's the law that prevents me from driving high. I do it, but only once in a while. As a matter of fact, the last time I drove high, I got pulled over. I posted about it in the Real Life section. Although the officer never realized I was high, and I got off without even getting a warning, that would have been a much more comfortable situation for me had I been completely sober.

    All that, coupled with the fact that the powers that be are sweating balls trying to catch one legitimate case of road kill by cannabis, I just prefer to smoke in a casual, comfortable atmosphere where I have no worries, or reasons to worry. Too many things can go wrong while driving with or without mj. An accident doesn't even have to be your fault for the law to make your life a living hell when they catch you high.

    Just my 2 cents. :wave:
  5. I will never drive high again after I hit a brand new BMW X5... Luckily it was a hit and run.
  6. Couldn't agree more. It's dangerous to smoke while high - comparable to driving drunk. It seems like a lot of people just forget about it completely because they figure - "hey weed can't hurt you." But it CAN impair your reaction time, which can kill an innocent bystander.

    Smoke weed all you want, but if you have to go somewhere, I say have a designated driver just like you would with drinking. :D

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