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Smoking alone?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sattelight897, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. what are some fun things to do when getting high by yourself?
  2. Masturbate. :devious:
  3. video games and munching :D
  4. play the shit outa battlefield bad company with suround sound and big screen high def with the volume all the way up and the lights off. damn sometimes i even think its real and im scared shitless when someone calls a mortar strike on me. or i hear a loud ass explosion and i jump out of my chair. so awsome :)
  5. Eat. Masturbate. Music. In that order. I call it EMM. But GTL is pretty fun to.
  6. Masturbate.
    Watch TV. Listen to music and watch a bunch of candles.
  7. I'm going to agree with the consensus of "masturbate."
  8. Hmmm. Not sure if it has been said, but masturbate. :rolleyes:

    I smoke alone 99% of the time and my favorite thing to do is sit, think and listen to music. Other than that, I jerk it, watch tv or play video games. Video games are great fun when stoned...:D
  9. Those are by far some of my favorite pass-times.
  10. :D
    Same. I wouldn't rather do anything else. :hello:
  11. Honestly, need you ask? Do what YOU thinks fun!!

    and with the whole masturbate thing...

    just smoke alone, then go have sex. :devious:
  12. Music is always godly.
    I could jam out for hours with just music.
  13. /thread :rolleyes:
  14. Make some music (spin some CDs if others are around)
    Clean house (and actually enjoy doing it!)
    Play with my Buddha Board
    Play with my kaleidoscopes
    Take a walk

    Submitted for you approval,

    Smoking alone is beast!

    How many people before this post have replied ''masterbating''?!?!
    What a waste of time!

    honestly......the power we have in our brains and bodies to do spectacular things but you settle at that.

    One of the best things to do is something you enjoy doing, playin games, post on forums, the list is endless, unless all you can think of is have a toss? Is it cause its so easily accessable? Dont be lazy!

    To reflect on your life is a good thing to do in any state of mind, in a stoned head can be almost enlightening, can do wonders for situations.

    The box has no faces, or edges

    But you just have a wank.

    And forward it as a sole answer as a fun thing to do, im simply confused!
    Are you really that bored?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. Jerkin' your Derkin' to your favorite "show". :)
  17. I just blast some music.
  18. Oh, I know! Watch some Carl Sagan's "The Cosmos", and blow your fucking mind. That's always a blast. Sober or high. :)

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