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Smoking after septoplasty surgery

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by chicoguy, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. I had a septoplasty surgery to fix my deviated septum 6 days ago and am wondering if anyone has had this procedure done. When can i start smoking again? My nose is kind of swollen and tender right now so i'm wondering if smoking weed will have any effect on the healing process.

    I'm thinking that the smoke might irritate my nasal cavity since i just had a piece of cartilage removed, but what if i just hit from a bong and inhale/exhale out my mouth?

    Lastly, does smoking weed increase blood flow at all to your face? Thats what i'm worried about since the blood vessels in my nose are probably in the healing process.


  2. I'd probably take it easy. Remember, marijuana lowers your immune system a bit. You could try making brownies though :) or weed butter. Youtube weed recipes, you can even make put it in alcohol.

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