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Smoking a plants period?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Backtrack, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Hey, so this was just a random thing I thought of. This was the best place I could figure to put it just a theory on smoking weed.

    Correct me if I am wrong on any of this. Anyways so my theory is this.

    Obviously you smoke the female plants which have THC resin on them. In an ideal situation you kill off all the males so you don't get seeds in your bud and the females don't get pollinated. This makes the female plants produce more THC resin which makes some dank bud. So am I right or wrong to say that you are smoking the cannabis plants period? I mean comparing it to human females, a female doesn't have a baby for a month she has her period. Comparing it to cannabis isn't it the same thing? The plant doesn't get pollinated and overproduces THC resin and you smoke a period?

    Not trying to disgust anyone out with this idea. Actually in fact time to pack another bowl. :smoke:
  2. idk if female plants have periods XDD but the hairs on the buds are the plants vagina :smoke:
  3. Fyi, thc isn't the only cannabinoid that gets you high.

    Anyway. I have no clue what you are on about. All I do know is I wish I was as baked as you :smoking:
  4. Dude... I can never look at amber kief the same way again...
    Actually those trichomes are grown as a defense mechanism. So in this context its more like... to protect the plants when they have their cat fights? :D
  5. Uh... If you get rid of male plants, how could the female plants reproduce??

    maybe im wrong.. lol
  6. Are you dumb or just really really high?
  7. Yea well you need male plants obviously to produce. Though most of the good bud you smoke was probably grown without a male plant present cause it makes bad bud. The "perfect life cycle" doesn't always make the best bud so growers modify the "perfect life cycle" to eliminate male plants and have only females which make better bud.

    I guess just my whole idea that in theory you would be smoking the plants equivalent to a period. I know that plants don't actually make a period just would be something similar to it. If my mind serves me right, the female plants when they don't have males release loads of their THC to try to lure male (air bourne) spores to attach to them (A.K.A Baby making). So it would essentially be a period it is releasing because the spores didn't attach to it?
  8. It's more comparable to a female reproductive organ than a females period, I think? Who cares haha
  9. haha i like this thought since it does compare in a lot of ways. And Ive heard a lot more ridiculous shit on this site guys, chill
  10. dont really know the medical reason for menstruation do you?

    Female cannibus plants produce thc and other sticky chemicals so that the pollen released by male plants will stick to the buds and produce seeds

    research is your friend
  11. whats with these crazy posts lately? Smoking edibles? Plants having menstrual cycles?
  12. someone asked if you can smoke edibles? lol

  13. uhm......both

  14. Well yes I fully understand this. I know that female cannabis plants use the THC to attract pollen from male plants. Where a human would release menstruation when it didn't get a "seed" per-say.

    Guess I am just trying to think they are similar in a few ways.
  15. yea I personally prefer to eat brownies because they're, edible.
  16. Pistils are like receptors searching the air for male semen...or pollen...
    I don't think I would go as far to say your smoking the females "period" but you are def smoking the female reproductive system of a cannabis plant.
    And man is it good! Haha...

    Sinsemillia is higher in THC and CBD because the female is putting more energy into creating flowers than creating seeds.

    I always thought it was kind of gnarly that we are smoking the sexual organ of a plant.
  17. If that's true, then the term "milking the bong" makes a lot more sense now.

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