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Smoking a j

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by guttmuncher, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Hey people, haven't been on here for awhile now. Lately I have been getting into joints lots lately and just wondering if anybody mixes their weed with anything other than tobacco. I don't smoke cigarettes so I was looking for something else that might do the trick.
  2. I personally would never mix my weed with anything other than weed. But if u want have an interesting experience throw some salvia on that bitch and go to town.:smoke:
  3. Mix it up with some Spice, I know a guy who get 6g for 30bucks. Just make sure not to smoke more than 2 grams in a sitting or you might die.

  4. I've heard spice is actually detrimental to your health, and it's rapidly becoming illegal in the US, which is silly because they're making an imitation of a drug illegal.

  5. I don't personally smoke it myself but wouldn't turn it down if offered.

    What are the side-effects?

  6. From what I understand, many of the herbs they use to carry the synthetic cannabinoids are not regulated by the FDA, and have been found to have toxins in them, but I'm not 100% on that. I believe they cause more lung and throat damage then the real mccoy.
  7. Well i smoke some of my joints with wormwood, which increases the potency and makes it a clearer high :)
  8. That's probably why it's deadly.

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