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Smoking a j before going in to jail?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by moabfighter, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Soooo, some of you in the real life stories forum may remember my thread about pulling weekends. So, I've done three thus far, four more to go. Decided to scope it out before I really try anything. Heard you get drug tested, yada yada yada. So, I've been clean for quite a few months now aside from some res here and there, but tomorrow I go in at about 7. When I get there, we all sit outside for like an hour before being taken in. 95% of the weekenders come in heavily sedated on unmentionables and alcohol, and none of them have been tested or even asked if they were under the influence.
    Tomorrow, I got a guy bringing me a joint, and I was gunna smoke in the parking lot or dudes car before I go in. I imagine I have pretty much no tolerance, so I should catch a good buzz. Anyone think this is such a bad idea to abort the entire mission? I think it's kinda sketchy, but could be worse. I will obviously smell like weed, and if I get questioned on that and gotta pee, it will be clean, so there'd really be nothing they could do.
    Any tips advice hate or pointers?

  2. if your gonna do it cover the smell up smoke a cig or put on some febreeze or something then they wont question you.
  3. Yeah, I'll smoke some cigarettes also.
    Anyone know if eating the roach adds anything? I highly doubt it would, but just curious...
  4. Totally man eating the roach is equivalent to about 5 bong rips
  5.  Not looking for trolls...
    I just figured maybe since all the heat from the smoldering cherry hitting the roach for about ten minutes might "cook" it enough for it to add some boost an hour after the fact or something. I will likely just smoke the whole damn thing somehow.
    We sit in like a waiting room to be processed for like literally 3 hours before being taken back to the gym for two days, so I figure getting stoned might make it better. Weed makes everything better. Maybe even jail. We'll see.
  6. First time I got high and ate the joint STONEDDDD AS FUCK. Because our lighter went out on us and I was 13. But yeah eating weed raw gets you high. In fact if it were me I would sneak in some and eat it.. It just takes a little more than smoking it would.
  7. Damnit I'm not that dumb. I know eating raw weed won't work, please stop trying to troll me.
  8. dude, the first guy was a troll... It WILL work just as long as you bring more. It takes about 3 grams of raw weed to match 1 joint. Or if you don't believe make some fucking brownies.  :confused_2:
  9. I thought you ingested THC through some kind if fat content.
  10. Dude are you tryin to smoke a jay in parking lot of the jail? Because fuck that shit. Eat a brownie before and get lifted for several hours
  11. If you have a family member who smokes get them to bring in some "Brownies"  :ey:
  12. i have a buddy ate about 5 grams of raw regs/mids/schwag each day before high school for a two week long period, and i can guarantee you he was stoned as fuck, lol.
    TBH....if i was going to jail for the weekend and i knew it, i would want to just sleep as much as i can.............
  13. honestly, id do it.
  14. #14 moabfighter, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2013
    yeah. this was the "sketchy" part...
    I was thinking if a cop or worker of the jail saw me (they're all uniformed) I'd be in the back of the parking lot cornered to where the only people who could see me would be from the front and I'd see them coming at me before they could stop me from eating the j and lighting a cig. And I'd talk on my phone and try not to look too sketchy...
    And the forecast for tomorrow is heavy rain, so, I'd get soaked in the parking lot, but I doubt a worker would walk all the way to me in the rain just because he thought something may or may not look sketchy. And I believe when it's raining the wind will be minimal and the smell should be relatively contained.
    Would a blunt be better?
    One more edit. It'd also be a good story. "sketchiest place you smoked?" Outside a jail with cops coming in and out of it on the regular and only a few walls away from many murderers, rapists, and cannibals. 
  15. #15 YoseBCmiteBudz, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2013
    True, you could always eat it. Still. Smoking an illegal drug on law enforcement property might not be the best idea. But, to each his own

    Edit: dude, if you have no tolerance, than a jay will be fine. A blunt would emit wayyyyyy to much smoke and smell for a jail parking lot haha
  16. If lets say hypothetically, a cop smells the weed, sees me puffing on a white stick with no filter, and I eat it while he's charging at me, is there really anything legally that can be done? That's obviously worst case scenario, and I'm just wondering if anything could happen even under the worst circumstances.
    But, 3 times I've been, and the people who stand in the parking lot on their phones and smoking a cigarette far from the actual jail never have anyone approach them or anything
  17. Legally, I'm pretty sure he can't do shit. No evidence... :ph34r: sooo yea, you're good, I guess. Just smoke a cig after, maybe some eye drops. Wouldn't want to get d tested now.
  18. Eh, fuck the eye drops. Like I said, people come in heavily influenced on hard stuff and alcohol every weekend. I kinda look out of place not looking like your typical junkie actually
  19. Dude seriously stop acting sketchy... Eat it, get someone to bring weed brownies, or smoke a j...
  20. It's just that it's probably the sketchiest place one could possibly smoke...
    Oh yeah, I don't sleep any the day before I gotta go in, so I can be as tired as possible. Been up since noon, and won't sleep any before I smoke around 7pm. Will the lack of sleep get me any higher. I just wanna be really fucking high.

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