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Smoking a G

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Da_Zou13, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. So im totally clean of THC in my system, IF I smoke a gram over two nights, how long will it take to be clean again?
  2. no way to tell without weight, metabolism, THC content, excercise habits, diet, etc.

    probably around 7-14 days though
  3. Go read the sticky on drug tests.
  4. a week or two if you're not a complete lazy ass.
  5. Sorry, Im 5'10 180lbs and med-fast metabolism. I work out and run regularly.
  6. probably 3-5 days then.
  7. thanks bro
  8. Two weeks max if you drink lots of water, do some running.

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