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Smoking a bowl before classes?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PeacefulStoner, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. #1 PeacefulStoner, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    What do you think about smoking a bowl before classes? Im in college and tomorrows gonna be an easy day and its friday. So i was thinking i dont have to go into my first class till 10:30 and then im done with all my classes pretty fast because i got a short day tomorrow. Its all interesting lectures and stuff so i think itll be sweet high. Im not gonna act high, my eyes wont be red, i wont have any on me, im not gonna tell anyone im high. I just wanna smoke one bowl to chill me out. Ive been smoking for a longg time but never smoked before class. Im not nervous about it at all, just wanna know if itll be boring and a waste of weed.
    Comments? Opinions? :smoke:

    Edit: I ended up smoking 2 bowls of some dank this morning before class and i was high as shit. It was really awesome though, i could totally control myself. I was really social and interested. I had a test and i felt like i knew all the material, i think i Aced it. It was sweet and ill definitely do it again. Not all the time though because it can get to be kinda expensive smoking in the morning before class, smoking after class and smoking at night. Any way just letting you know how it wentt
  2. When I'm high, I get more creative and more fascinated with whatever I'm doing, so I think if you're the same way, yes getting high before class would be fun.
  3. I see absolutely no reason why you shouldn't do this. Just don't be stupid about it, getting caught could be a problem.
  4. I try and stay away from smoking before, I cant concentrate at all while high. I smoked half of a blunt before a philosophy class before and was a little buzzed high n I couldnt concentrate at all
  5. It's straight but a shitty habit to fall into. I was taking Calculus at 8 A.M. and smoking before that shit... I finally put the damn bong down in the morning and was amazed at how much more engaged I felt in class. I never thought smoking before class had much of an effect on me, but it was way easier to focus when I wasn't fresh off a couple snaps.
  6. i would always do this shit before my high school classes started. but no in college it depends on the class and what we are going to do that day. I dont like to work when im high. SWAG
  7. This. This. This.

  8. I think math and physics would be the only two classes blazing would have a negative effect. Before every other class though :hello:
  9. Depends on the effect smoking takes on you, and also depends on the strain. If you have a nice Sativa bud that was cured when the trichs were milky white will be more of an upper buzz while an Indica usually induces couch-lock, especially when the trichs are turning amber.

    I went through college smoking before every class, and I made the honour roll. Some of my friends that I attended college with got super stupid after smoking and ended up flunking out. Make sure you're smart about it too, man. Don't stink, don't let your eyes give it away, and don't act like an idiot. Could get you expelled.
  10. dude do it, makes everything so fascinating, just try to sit down and shut up, and not just ramble on during class.
  11. I have done it since freshman year, helps me focus through my add. remember drips, fresh breathe and a shower and you can't get caught. i HIGHLY reccomend it

    Edit: there should be a rule against that pun...
  12. Last semester me and my buddy would toke steamroller loads before astronomy and it drastically enhanced my learning experience. Sheet.. some lessons were so damn interesting.

    I definitely recommend for you to it for classes that you have a passion for, but not just because the class is boring/instructor is lame. But to each their own..

    Though I usually only smoke before classes that are strictly lecture/note taking
    Kind of sucks when group activity comes into play..
  13. I've smoke a couple bowls before school a few time, it's hard to concentrate but Hellas fun
  14. I used to smoke a bowl before school everyday. It made the day go by much faster. And while i still payed attention in class and did my work I found that I wouldn't remember important things later on in the day/week. But if you have nothing important going on in class I say go for it!
  15. Depends what type of student you are. Acing your class? Do it. Failing or bad grades? Don't.
  16. I've smoked a bowl before classes on way to many occasions... as in before almost any class. I'm a junior in college with a 3.8. I find smoking helps me to relax and get more comfortable in school. Sometimes it can be hard for me to pay attention and sit for longer classes.

    Just know you, and what works best for you. Only advice you should take is that.
  17. I was such a pothead freshman-junior year that I got blazed during finals (what an idiot!)

    I've recently stopped going to classes baked and I enjoy class WAY, WAY more and I actually participate in discussion instead of being the stoned introverted fuck in the corner.
  18. I love smoking before class! I got in the habit of doing it waaaay too much last semester though, very bad for the wallet. I save it as a rare treat nowadays.
    BEST time I ever got stoned before class: went to psychology, we were discussing...something I don't remember exactly...and we spent about twenty minutes talking about/dealing with optical illusions...imagine the mind fuckery of that experience. And then one time, also in psychology, we attempted meditation when talking about levels of consciousness etc. I've tried it sober and failed but I got damn close that time :)
  19. I usually smoke a couple bong packs before class, depending on what we're doing. I never smoke before chem labs (can't be all clumsy and dopey while pouring out chemicals), and on Wednesdays (when I have three classes), I don't smoke. I've found that it makes me think differently.
    For example, I can't do math for shit sober. When I smoke before class, I have no attention span whatsoever, but somehow I'm able to do calculus better than when I'm straight lol. For my GEN-ED classes that are mostly just common sense, being high makes the time go by faster and I'm not as bored.
    When I was in high school, I only smoked before class senior year, but I graduated with a 3.7
  20. Idk how you guys cant control yourselves. And as much as two bowls before class? I take like 3 rips from a pipe
    And get high. Even with high tolerence wouldnt one bowl
    Make you noticeably high

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