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Smoking a bong in my closet

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rs420, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Hey fellow burners,
    I bought a gorgeous glass bong sunday and i wanna toke it in my house tonight. But the dilemma is, my parents made me quit a while back. My room is in the back of the first floor and it's right by the kitchen and television/sitting room. So i figured i could smoke in my closet. I think i could just rip it and blow the smoke through a straw into a bag so it would hide the smoke but if you guys have any tips, please and thanks
  2. i wouldnt do it. it will still smell up the general area around the closet. Just sneak outside.
  3. Step one- make a sploof (emptyed out toilet paper or paper towel roll, stuffed with dryer sheets)
    Step two- Open a window, have a fan going.
    Step three- Combine both steps, Light up near the window, blow sploof smoke out the window if you want to be extra catuious, the smoke just smells like the dryer sheet, only your room would just be smoky, The fan takes care of this.

    Enjoy your new bong :bongin:
  4. make a sploof and invest on your own housing cause if they don't approve of weed in the house it's your parents house you should respect the rules
  5. i blow smoke out the window with a straw
  6. would just having my regular ceiling fan going on max (it spins extremely fast, faster than a floor fan) work as well? Sploofs, ahh i made one a while ago!
  7. Just go outside, not worth the risk.
  8. You all take smoking in your room too seriously xD, it isn't a big deal, just blow the smoke into the sploof and put out the cherry in the bowl after you take your rip and your golden :smoke:
  9. I smoke out of the window with the screen out, and I am fine like that. My room doesn't smell. I have two windows open, a fan going, and I blow the smoke out of the window. I usually do a mini-x with cologne just to make sure though.

    The closet is a really bad idea, just sayin. It will just get really smelly and the smell will stick to everything in the closet. If you can't smoke out of the window, then just sneak outside and smoke there.
  10. If your in a city area going outside probably isn't much safer than going right up to your parents and blowing the smoke in their face. If your not in the city then by all means go outside. But if your inside I'd follow the steps with the spoof open window and ceiling fan on max. Don't spray any sprays to cover it up because they will suspect you are trying to "cover something up" good luck!
  11. i would jump at sneaking out but my rents have caught me a lot. So that's screwed. Then also my closet is completely empty- just moved in. So just make a sploof and blow it into a bag i guess. And towel under the door in the closet along with a quarter to cover the cherry. Got it
  12. Try one hit and if it seems to stink up or you coughed your ass off don't do it again. But a sploof and a quarter over the bowl should help. I smoke my closet out every night and the smells gone by the morning but you have to spray. a candle fucking helps alot too.:smoke:
  13. I smoke my Ice bong in my closet through a sploof then I open an odor neutralizer like Febreeze and I Febreeze the general area inside and outside the closet (febreeze the shit out of the area)
  14. i have smoked steadily for almost 4 years now, haha i dont cough when i burn

  15. haha,don't do it,i've tried,and it failed...miserably:cry: your best bet is to toke near the window and blow it out the window,like your face all up in the window when your blow it out,don't blow it AT the will just flood but into the room :smoking:

    Good Luck~ :D
  16. so just blow it out my window... alright. What about my fan and the AC? Like what should i do to minimalize sound and stench?
  17. i used to smoke blunts in my room at night every night for about 6 months. no one in my house had a clue and i live in a small apartment. just open the window, make sure you have hella towels to block the door. i used to put all my dirty clothes infront of my door lmao. also a fan helps. and wave the smell out of your room when your done.
  18. what do you mean by wave the smell outta it?
  19. i remembered something i did, and it works. You febreeze/axe/cologne bomb the hell out of a piece of paper towel or rag that retains stuff well and throw it in wherever you're smoking. Neutralizes the smell and i figured to just ghost hit my bong or try the bag technique and make a sploof.
  20. Just blow out the window man works every time

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