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Smoking a blunt before work and not coming in smelling like weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Batmanchu, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. How should I do this?

    I got half a blunt left, and I want to get high before work, but I don't want to come in covered in a cloud of weed stench.

    I was thinking of not putting on my work shirt until I actually got to work, and keeping it in my trunk. I'll be driving on the highway for a little, so I think I could roll down my windows on the highway and smoke then. Or, I could wear my street clothes all the way to work, and just change in the bathroom. Or, is it just not worth it?
  2. Smoke.

    Then take a shower and put on different clothes.

    Bam you win.
  3. Uhh, put jacket on, smoke, take jacket off, brush your teeth, spray cologne, profit?

    This ain't cigarette smoke...
  4. That's just not going to work.

    I leave for work before my dad does, so that's kind of out of the question.
  5. Blunt smell is hard to hide. I would just wait.
  6. I would say just wait until after work man. The wait makes it much more enjoyable when you dont have to worry about anything. Plus idk about others here but when im high I cant even smell weed even if I reek of it. I think thats why most people lose their jobs or get popped with random tests because they dont realize when their high that they smell. If you had a bowl or something I would say go for it because thats not bad but a blunt is just gonna smell
  7. Blunt spray or blunt power whatever they call it at your local gas station. It's only 3 bucks and works as good as ozium or anything
  8. Smoke with it out window to air out
  9. -Wake up
    -Start your laundry/usual morning routine/turn shower fan on
    -Roll blunt
    -Turn shower on to hot, make sure it's a sealed box with plenty of steam
    -The steam will neutralize the odor while you smoke in your shower/steamed bathroom.
    -Get in the shower after you blaze, scrub down heavy with soap
    -Dry off
    -Keep the shower/bathroom fan while you're continuing to get ready (brush your teeth etc).
    -Turn off fan and lights, wipe down for crumbs, and spray down if necessary. Give yourself a shot of colonge in the bathroom before work, too. I like nautica, ralph lauren and lacoste. Adidas is good for budgets.
    -It's that easy

    I have been doing this for two years now. Never been caught by the police or parents.
  10. 1) wear street clothes
    2) smoke dat blunt
    3) drive with all windows down to allow extreme airflow
    4) change into work clothes at work
    5) enjoy work high
  11. The tobacco on the blunt will stick to you no matter what, the weed smell will come off of you relatively easy. I would say just wait another day bro.

    Smoking in the car will stink you up no matter if the windows are rolled down or up.

    Maybe if you were smoking a pipe but a blunt.

    As a suggestion for stealthy toking maybe invest in a vaporizer.
  12. As far as smell goes, if youre not totally cooked you could claim you were sprayed by a skunk, which would be funny as hell. Or, smoke at home, shower, get dressed go to work.

    Or, unroll blunt, pack in bowl, dress in reg clothing, put work shit in trunk, drive to work, park in a safe spot close by, smoke, change, spray cologne, whatever you gotta do.

    Where do you work? How likely is it your boss or anyone youre concerned about will notice?

    Honestly tho. IMO, smoke it after work, its just better that way
  13. If you can wait until after work, I definitely would, but if you're content with the idea of smoking before, this is how I would approach the situation:

    Roll the windows down while you're driving and in your regular clothes, smoke. Once you're finished, definitely put some eye drops in and change your clothes. You're smoking a blunt so make sure you grab some lotion or something. When you're smoking, definitely keep your work clothes in your trunk so they won't smell and if you can, use one of those disposable tooth brushes (for travel), but if not, chew on some gum or pick up a little food on the way.

    Good luck, my man!
  14. You could smoke your blunt in bowls for less smell, just empty the weed out of it
  15. Get some ozium and some disposable gloves to wear and some gum and a change of shirt
  16. Smoke it on the way to work with the windows down and without your work shirt on. I do it all the time.
  17. lol handsanitizer or wet wipes in the car, maybe some gum, all you need? cologne if youre paranoid, it's really not that hard lol

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