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Smoking 1 gram ( Third time)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Johnywilks, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. What will happen if i smoke 1 gram to myself , My 3rd time smoking ??
  2. a gram of?

    weed gets you high
  3. obviously weed. But im just wondering is that a good/bad idea? could i possibly pass out or get realy paranoid smoking that much?
  4. ^best answer. I mean... That's why you bought it right? Maybe fall asleep, paranoia doubtful. Enjoy
  5. depending on the quality, you'll get really fucking stoned.

    don't do it by yourself dude, find like one other friend and smoke it with him. it'll make it way more fun, and there's no point in getting so stoned that you can't even enjoy doing anything.

    a half gram between you and someone else will get you baked as shit, but you might still be able to walk around lol

    have fun either way:smoke:

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