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Smokers Survival Bag

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MyBuddyJebus, May 31, 2009.

  1. So I was smoking at a park today and I came up with a great idea. I want to put together a smokers survival pack for the smoker who likes to go places.

    The bag would be a type of backpack that would have a compartment for each necessity a smoker might need. Each compartment would hold:

    1. Small notebook/sketch book with pencils
    2. Mp3 player or other electronic device
    3. Small snacks
    4. Toking tools
    5. Side pocket for drink

    And finally a secret pocket for your stash!

    Of course all this can just be thrown into a regular bag. I'm going to put something like this together that lets me just grab and go toke!

    Any other ideas for the survival bag?
  2. i personally think that it would be useless. how hard is it to put shit in your pockets or hold it in your hand?
  3. I bought a cheap straight bong, painted it white and put a red cross on the tube. I put it in a little emergency bag that has the same cross stitched on the outside. It has 2 lighters, a small notepad with one pen and one pencil, one granola bar, one pack of Juicy Fruit, a bottle of water, and a corked vial that has 2g's of mids in it.

    I barely ever use it, but it's fun to pull out on a friend if he hurts himself somehow.
  4. Everyone needs a good pair of tweedzers. Mine are a $4 Walgreens pair that came out of alignment. Never underestimate the power of the tweeze. I use them for scraping, grabbing a screen, etc.

    Gum or some sort of hard candy is a must. No one likes bong breath.

    Travel sized perfume/cologne. Don't use Axe though. That shit's nasty.

    Extra lighters. Running out of juice in a lighter is such a bummer.
  5. i already carry a bag around with me wherever i go. i keep a bowl, rolling papers, bud, water, a scale, food, and other random shit in there that comes in handy.
  6. I seriously need to start carrying a notepad around like you mentioned. I always forget all the crazy things I want to write down but am too lazy to when I'm blazed. haha
  7. 1.Notepad
    6.Bottle Water
    10.Clear Eyes'

    Stuff I usually keep in my backpack at all times specifically for smoking sessions. Every now and then I'll usually have a few blunt wraps in and out and sometimes snacks.:smoking:
  8. If I ever got hurt somewhere and a St Bernard came to my aid with this strapped around its neck, I'd think I'd died and went to heaven :hello:
  9. #10 Funkk, May 31, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2009
    But who has ever heard of a stoner "on-the-go" lol. No but really I have something similar, it's just a wooden cigar box, that I always bring with me if I go somewhere (i.e. going to a friends place to smoke) Though I'm sure we all have something like that lol.
    - At least an 8th (when I can maintain a steady supply)
    - Visine a
    - Two lighters
    - A pipe and two pieces (the pieces I use as a last resort on water bottle bong)
    - A sheet of 5"x 5" tin foil. and a 4"x4" screen (solid sheet)
    - My cigar splitter (for desperate times =P)
    - Gum
    - Knife
    - Blunts

    A lot of this is used for "emergency" situations
  10. Try a backpack, they go for about $20 usd, and have been trusted with holding stuff for years.
  11. when i normaly walk around when im high or bout to get high i carry a backpack i what i keep in it are



    2 lighter


    atleast 2 water bottles


    atleast 3 grams or dank:smoking:
  12. that sounds like walking around with a box with a ribbon on it that says
    "To: Cops
    From: Me"
  13. i usually have a backpack that i packin a backpack....i put

    ~ extra shirt cus i hate smelling like stale weed smoke
    ~ calogne cus girls dont liek smelling stail weed smoke
    ~ chips cus i hate spending money on food when i'm high i always over eat
    ~ipod and earphones

  14. Hahahahaha thats funny.

    I just have this really funny image of some dude wrecking himself and then his friend runs over with a medical kit, kneels down by his side, and busts out a bong.
  15. i lol'ed
  16. #17 Painkilla240, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2009
    Wow this sound Like a GOOD SURVIVAL BAG

    HERB:Cigar/Cigarette Case: With about 3-5 Pre-rolled Blunts (individually wrapped in plastic so the smell doesn't escape) Some Joints(if need be)

    Food: Water, Can of fav. Soda, Chips, Rips candy, Chocolate, Granola Bar, Fruit Snacks, Cookies

    Enjoyment: MP3 Player, with fav. jams/music, Drawing Pad with Pencil/Pen/Colors, Deck of Cards, Magazines

    Evidences Removal: Clear Eyes, Febreze, Hand Sanitizer, Extra Shirt in a Zip Locked Bag

    Spare Cash: This is the big one, you won't know what your going to need it for, movies?, food?, gas?, ect. ($10-XXX) but its always a good idea to have some and forget about it until you smoke out and be like oh yea I found 50 bucks r wat eva
  17. uh one time i had a GREAT idea to make a survival bag. I had this other great idea to put all my shit in it consisted of my bong, 2 pipes, couple liters, a quarter, a bunch of water bottles, some snacks, body spray and hand sanitizer. Needless to say i got busted with all this shit and only carry a joint at a time out of the house lol just not safe to do this even tho its so convienent. wouldnt reccomend it.
  18. 1. complete change of clothes (2 pairs of socks...)
    2. asprin, bandages, sterilized pads, anti infection cream, caffine/asprin tablet
    3. sketch pad
    4. pencil and pen
    5. knife
    6. lighter
    7. once i get the money.. 30 or 40 bucks.

    funny... nothing weed related cept the lighter.. its just a general survival bag incase shit gets heated.
  19. That right there is stupidity on your part. Everyone knows you only take what you are going to smoke and no more. If you are going to get caught why would you give them a chance to take everything you have? If you just smoked your joint and got caught they cannot charge you for having a bookbag with everyday items in it.

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