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Smoked Weed For The First Time In 6 Months Last Night... Way Too Intense

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by snowboarderDNT, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. #1 snowboarderDNT, Jun 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2013
    I took a 6 month break from smoking marijuana. I was a heavy stoner last year, smoking every day, multiple times. It got to the point where I could be smoking the best weed in my city and I'd only be mildly stoned for an hour or so. Before I started my tolerance break, I took 3.5 grams of boomers, which was an incredibly intense and emotional trip and made me think a lot about my life, the decisions I've made, my relationships, etc. 
    Last night when I smoked, I had an amazing feeling of familiarity and a "welcoming" feeling for the first 30 minutes or so. My mind was incredibly stoned and relaxed, and I was smiling wide and laughing at everything. But then, after 30 minutes, I started to have intense thoughts about my life. I was thinking about the same things I thought about when I was on mushrooms (though the feelings were slightly more manageable, but still). I broke down and cried. After I became sober, I was amazed at how my high was similar it was to my boomer trip. I am afraid to smoke again because I don't really feel like going through what I did last again any time soon.
    Have any of you ever experienced your marijuana highs becoming much more intense and more like a trip after taking psychedelics and from having a long tolerance break? Thank you! Any advice would be appreciated. 

  2. Well If I were you I would just make sure to eat atleast 8oz of mashed potatoes before you smoke. This will make the high more manageable and less intense until you are used to it again. Your welcome  :metal:
  3. Don't want to be that guy, but we can't talk about other drugs
  4. Thats a pretty long break and the psychadelics make it more intense. I cant wait to get that feeling when i get off probation. And i will more than likely take some lucy or boomers around the same time.
  5. yea man sounds like me after my tbreak i started getting emotional highs and it kind of started to make me socially awkward so i stopped i think how i solved this was i only smoke with super close friends so im very comfortable around them. no more party smoking and rando seshs
  6. I often smoke on the comedown of unmentionables like the ones you were talking about ;) a strong indica dominant hybrid helps me sleep. But they never made me cry or anything, Then again I haven't took a break over like 2-3 weeks in 7 years so the tolerance probably definitely has something to do with it. 
  7. #7 aPersonUponaHill, Jun 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2013
    Yea it can be a fairly uncomfortable feeling after you clear your system of THC entirely and then smoke some name brand. It is plenty manageable though if you have the experience.  
    We cant mention other drugs, you will probably get a warning since you are new. If you read this before then edit your post, change the mention to any other word. Most around here use unmentionables, but apparently we arent supposed to even say that or really mention them in any form. You can get by with unmentionables though, but if you want to kiss ass just refrain from discussing it or saying unmentionables. I just like to not see warnings and points that come with it, though I have yet to even begin understanding the warning points without the rep bar (the site changed format very recently). 
  8. I've had flashbacks of a certain kind when i get to baked. Gives me that droppin on a rollercoaster feel in my stomach. Honestly trips are that way for a reason. They teach lessons even if they are hard ones. My guess is that the issues you were thinking about are still bothering you and need resolved.
  9. I've been through something very similar.  While a strong psychedelic trip can change your perception a bit, you will still get more and more used to smoking once.
    It is all about the experience factor.  Kind of like how the first time you get high its incredibly different from any subsequent high.  Your mind perception is constantly changing and a strong psychedelic experience can greatly affect you. 
    Its actually not surprising you could be so overwhelmed when you, in effect, are a different person at this point

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