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Smoked Once, Drugt Test in 6 days, uh oh?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ADD_man, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Tonight me and my friends decided to smoke up, and I haven't in the past 4 months and I figured what the hell, I got 6 days 'til my UA because I thought single use was only detectable 1-3 days after 1 use =[.. Anyway, I took 3 hits off the bowl, only one epic one, and got a mild buzz from it, and now I got 6 days to get it out of my system.. do you think I have a shot at my body naturally getting rid of it?

    -Sorry if this is in the wrong place, little stressed anyway cliffnotes

    -Clean for 4 Months
    -Smoked Tonight, 3 hits
    -UA 6 days
    -How probable is my cleanliness by then?
  2. How much do you weigh? How often do you exercise?
  3. If you destroy yourself exercising and consume water like it was liquid happiness then I think you could be able to pass it. You could, not would.
  4. Can't you just smuggle in someone's else's piss with you?

    Not like they're gonna be watching you actually pissing into the cup.

  5. Gotta keep it warm. They check the temperature.
  6. 1. Exercise intensively before your UA.
    2. Sweat a LOT.
    3. Day before UA, eat like a pig (since THC is stored in your fat cells, eating a lot will slow down the rate it is released)
    4. Piss a couple of times before the UA (First void of the day is the one with the highest detection level of THC)
    5. Piss in the cup mid-stream (beginning and end of pee is always the dirtiest)
    6. Pass with flying colors

    Don't stress too much. I can usually pass after 3 days after a first time hit.
  7. drink as much water as you can and eat a ton of food for the next few days and if your still unsure you can get strap on pee substitute bag things at hemp shops or online.
  8. I'm almost positive that you'll pass it. Better safe than sorry though, so it would be a good idea to follow the suggestions above. But overall I think you should be in the clear.
  9. Should be just fine, drink a lot of fluids and that day wake up piss and then drink coffee or tea. Coffee always makes me pee a lot. Dont have to worry about it now but thats what I used to do and never had problems and of course stop smoking as soon as I knew I had to pee.
  10. honestly man... its the people like you that end up on the inside of this twisted pattern of incarceration...

    im talking about you op...dumbass who smoked with a known upcoming test

    grow some testes and go on a break

    you will absolutly and in no way pass this test

    nothing will work... you have already failed
  11. You can try that, and because they check the temperature, you might want to heat it up and don't let it cool down fast when you are going to take the test, but that is a lot of hassle. You can constantly drink and exersize like a mofo, but idk if that will fully work. If you can try to delay the test, and just drink water and exersize. Hope you pass, good luck. :smoking:
  12. that is absolutely not true. i had a friend who was tested once a week at drug classes and he would go home and smoke a bunch after each class. he just drank a lot of water, exercised, and took niacin. he passed every week.
  13. I've tested clean after smoking 4 days before a test. I attribute this to my low body fat, but I do try to drink a little extra water. I'm on house arrest so i can't do much cardio, but if you want to have the best chances of testing clean, do hella cardio and drink hella water and piss a lot. The faster your bodily processes are, the faster your system will be rid of testable traces.
  14. I smoked the day before my drug test, and every day for 10 years before that.Water,water and more water.To start, drink as much water as you feel comfortable drinking.Don't kill yourself.Too much at once is bad for you.Every time you have to pee, drink a full glass of water first.Then pee.Repeat all day long.It's exhausting,but safe.Niacin does help, but take only 1-2 tablets per day.This will be easier to explain if detected in your urine.People take vitamins daily.I peed 20 times in 18 hours, then like 3-4 more times just before the UA.
    The toxins are in your organs,fat and blood, so keep the water flowing through you like a river.Not stopping to gather toxins.This works, and then you have the job you will soon luck!
  15. Wow, this was as encouraging as it was factual.

    I mean, the OP is a dumbass for smoking that close to an upcoming test but it can certainly be done and I've done it for an NCAA drug test.

    Drink no less than a gallon of water every day for the next 6 days, multiple gym sessions each day...cardio, lifting, more a ton of clean food low in fat and spread it out among as many meals as possible (aim for 10 per day) - it will spike your metabolism.
  16. #16 anxkj38, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2013
  17. #17 Anubis578, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
  18. i juss took 2 huge ripss and passed a test that i had about 5 days later.... Urine test of course.... I really didnt prep for it. i juss grew some ballz and did it cuz its my fault that i smoked knowing in the first place. If u were man enuff to smoke, be man enuff to juss go. Id be pretty comfortable if i were u cuz 3 hits is only 1 more than i had and i was baked lol .

    the above recommendatinos would prolly work. so do what u gawtta do. glucks
  19. #19 choppa317, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    any fluid that is known for cleaning out da system me n my bro had drank some water mixed wit vinegar and cranberry juice for 2 days straight before or test. try wat everybody else is tellin u n try one of does at home test

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