Smoked, had a terrible panic attack, haven't been the same since.

Discussion in 'General' started by folmedo233, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. Posting here since I "Cant find a place to post?"

    A little over a month ago I smoked with a friend, a girl. I hadn't smoked sober in over 2 years due to a panic attack that I had (I say sober because I smoked out of a weed pen? last summer and laughed at everything and was fine). That panic attack 2 years ago was the worst thing I have ever experienced and before that I had never experienced a panic attack. I remember that my heart was sore, just like it is now, but only for 3-4 days and then I never ever felt the soreness/tightness again until this time around.

    Fast forward 2 years and my friend and I smoke a joint (not fully), I take about 3 drags, and I was confident going into this thinking positively and whatnot. Oh boy was I wrong. What I felt next was the most intense sharp pain that I have ever felt in my life, in my heart. It was a shooting type of sharp pain all throughout my heart that made me think I was going to die. I felt each sharp pulse shoot through what it felt like every valve in my heart. On a scale of 1-10 of pain, it was a 12/10. I am not trying to exaggerate. I remembered what happened last time and told myself I was going to be fine and although I recognized my body was rejecting the weed in my mind, that recognition did not calm me down. I grabbed both of my hands and held my chest will all of my strength and decided to start breathing in through my nose & out through my mouth while telling myself I was going to be okay. Well, it worked and my heart rate began to quickly drop back to normal although I had to do that for over 2 hours until the effects wore off because if I stopped breathing like that, my heart rate would slowly jump back up to painful levels.

    I have not been the same since in terms of my heart. There is like this residual/lingering tightness there that has not gone away over the past 4-5 days. It's as if my heart is sore. Some days it's not sore and I don't feel any tightness at all. It's as if everything is normal. Yet some other days, when I go to the gym and lift heavy and my heart rate goes up, the tightness returns and it seems to me like my heart is recovering because it's sore. As I mentioned, it comes and goes, but over the past 4-5 days it has not gone away. This doesn't seem normal to me. I would have expected my heart to stop being sore after a couple of days following the panic attack. Not have this tightness persist to present day.

    I'm not sure what to do or where to go and I apologize for the lengthy post. I feel like if I go to an MD, they won't really know what to do or take me seriously. Has anyone else experienced this?
  2. IMHO whatever you want from your brain(mind) it will do the opposite. it fucked me up with the sleeping for a long time(insomnia) and whenever I have to stay awake, I just die after some minutes so I decided to fuck with it a lil bit and say sort of "alright you lil fucker, I'm gonna die and I'll get rid of you finally. so be it punk!" thing and it's funny that my brain simply ignore the "panic attack" and going on with its normal activities.
    seriously dunno why it always acting weird or wired opposite :D
  3. how old are you
  4. 24
  5. hmmmm

    nope, been smoking 17 years, never had that happen, ever
    sorry i can't be more help
  6. No worries, thanks for the attempt
  7. Why is that??
    If anyone can give you answers as to what is going on it would be a DR. There is no risk with being honest with your DR. unless you are threatening your own life or someone elses, they do not break DR patient confidentiaity.
    In all my years I havent heard of weed giving someone a heart attack, HOWEVER I have heard of young people (mid twenties) having heart issues, heart attacks, etc.

    Better safe than sorry, go get checked out.
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  8. Chest pain from anxiety. Go to your doctor and dont smoke weed
  9. I don't think I have anxiety. I'm not really a nervous or anxious person so I don't think it's that. That's just my opinion though.
  10. Honestly it was based off like 2 comments I read where they said that the doctors didn't take them seriously. I will go get checked out. Already made my appointment, thank you!
    • Like Like x 1
  11. It happens. I've had it happen.

    The most common reason is early cut commercial weed. Thc by itself has bad side effects like paranoia and even panic attacks. The cannabinoids that counter those side effects develope late flower.

    Avoid early cut weed or grow your own so you know. Sativas also can do it. Heart pounding, sweaty palm sativas. Look into strains that are higher in cbd.

    When trying new strains take it easy. Take a hit or two first to see how it does you.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Your heart doesn't have pain sensors. Your just experiencing an anxiety attack. There is nothing wrong with your heart. Mixing caffeine with thc can cause this if you have no tolerance. Happened to me when I was younger. Noticed it was mostly when mixed with caffeine at same time. Your probably prone to anxiety attacks and it brought it out. Hasn't happened to me in years or when I have a tolerance.
  13. This is a common problem among new smokers. Especially with new high test strains. Try high cdb strains if you can. Sativas with high thc low cbd ratio will cause this if your unaccustomed to them. Example is sour diesel and hazes are known for this.
  14. Try and stick with heavy couchlock indicas. This will cut down. Also just take one puff every 20 min till you get your legs under you.
  15. You had a panic attack but don't suffer with anxiety. That's an oxymoron right there

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