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Smoked after a three month break

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by static shock, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 static shock, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Last night I made a decison, a decison to break my three month streak of not smoking. The reason I quit for that long was because I get random drug tests. I said fuck it last night and had some fun. I do have to say I felt like I was gettig high for the first time. :D
    The night started out pretty normal going over to a friends house to watch the vikes game. During halftime I get a call from a girl asking if we wanted to come over after the game, she had some friends over and wanted more company. We weren't super into the game so we tell her we would leave then, while in the car my friend takes out some weed and asks if I wanna smoke. Ended up smoking a dime on the way to the girls house, super clear headhigh minimal body high which is the exact kinda weed I love smoking. We smoked outta my friends little mini bong, which actually is perfect to smoke outta while driving. :bongin:
    We ended up taking a super long time getting to the girls house and miss the end of the game. Lol we chilled at this girls house for a few hours and end up smoking more. With her and two of her friends.
    What a great fucking night. Marijuana missed me and I missed it. I don't really plan on smokin anymore as last night was a special occasion. I do miss smoking but can def hold off. :)
    edit; anyone else love the power of a real t-break?
  2. Lool iv never had one, and dont wanna try :smoking:

  3. To each is his own I suppose.
  4. I'm on a diversion program for weed so I gotta stay clean until 31 March. Which is just 3 Months and 2weeks. I know I can do it and well I don't really have a choice I HAVE to stay clean thats what sucks the most. But well it'll be great when I get to smoke again, probably going to end being 4-5months instead of 3 coz I need to lay low when this is over I have a feeling my mom is going to randomly test me.
  5. Yeah situations like that aren't the greatest, but next time you do smoke it will be enjoyable. Think postive man. :)
  6. I'm two weeks in, today. It's not the longest I've gone, but I know I'm gonna get faded as fuck when I smoke again.
  7. I'm on one right now...well I got to get paid again :p
    The goal is twenty days but I think this weekend will be a good a time as any to toke :bongin:

    I've never smoked two consecutive days btw..... I bet most of you willfind that odd.

  8. Super weird, lol
    what is the reasoning behind that?

  9. Sick avator. But yeah the longer the better IMO
  10. My reasoning is I don't have huge amounts of weed like you guys.
    I only have a part time job and I put most of my money towards gas... hmmm I'll get a nice healthy $150 when I sell my college books! :smoke:

  11. Didn't mean to sound rude. Lol
    Man, I wish I had huge amount. :devious:
    hahhha :D

    Bump. I saw someone else had a thread about 131 days on a t-break and I guess that makes mine look like nothing. Hahah
  12. yeah u def get a different high... I dont care for t-breaks, fuck probation
  13. #13 static shock, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010

    Well if Minnesota had medical marijuana.. It would be a different story and I would be :bongin:
    hahaa bad excuse. I made a stupid choice and got caught, it's my fault. Lol
  14. Nah no offence taken man.

    hmm... As an update though... I bought a nick for myself (when i first started about 5/6 months ago, I had always smoked with friends and smoked it all up).
    and I bought a dime too...I was one happy fucker this weekend.

    I had a wicked case of the munchies though so my diet was blown to hell and I regained my 10 pounds.... I think my mom buying two dozen krispy kremes (buy one get 1 free) had ALOT to do with it...

    anyway I'm dry again till later this week!payday and I'm gonna get some beasters! :hello:
  15. Still going strong, havn't had a smoke since the 6th of Jan 2010.(34 days). 31 March here I come!!
  16. The longest t-break I've had since September was 2 weeks lol. I love weed too much now.
  17. I took a two week tea break and it was completely worth it. Like absolutely worth, I took a few hits from a blunt my friends deemed the day before and was instantly stoned. Like first time stoned kinda stoned. It was great. I was just chillin enjoying music...then we faced L's. I coughed like a mother fucker cuz I hadn't really smoked in awhile (and it was good bud, I live in the NYC area) and for the rest of the night I was just in a state of total bliss. Just chillin' with my friends, playing video games and enjoying the best high ever. I'm considering smoking only once every two weeks thats how much I loved it hahaha.

    I recommend it, absolutely do it.:smoke:

  18. I haven't smoked in 16 days. And I have a DT tommorow. Ahahaha as soon as I pee in that cup I will get so stoned. :D

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