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Smoked 4 days ago, still feel "high"

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hitandrun2293, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. Ok guys before you start calling b.s., I'll give you some background on my situation. I have been smoking for about a year, most occasionally (like a couple times a month). So this is what happened... I smoked a bowl (mixed Trainwreck with an unknown strain that I have smoked before), took probably 5 hits which got me pretty baked. I was fine... but even the next day, I felt zoned out, confused, not really "there." I thought that was weird, but I figure, hey I smoked a ton, I'm probably just tired, it will go away.

    So then, that night I pulled an all-nighter to finish a paper/presentation for school, and ended up going without sleep for around 48 hours. That morning when I went to class, I felt like I was stoned. So I figured, ok, it's obviously because of my all nighter. I will just get some sleep later and I will FINALLY feel back to normal. So I did. I took a long nap and got a solid night of sleep that night. And sure enough, I still felt weird. Now it's Saturday... I still feel weird. I don't know what's going on. At first, I thought it was the weed. Then I thought it was the lack of sleep. But it has been several days since I smoked and I have gotten several nights of decent sleep. Does anyone know what's going on??? I am starting to get concerned.

    This is what I feel like when I'm high: Tingling, numbness, more talkative, disorientation, mentally "fuzzy," not feeling "there." Also, I can't taste food (I notice texture but not taste).

    This is what I have been feeling for the past few days: Numbness (When I touch my face, it doesn't feel like my face. It feels like when you get novocaine at the dentist), confusion, feeling "not there" and foggy mentally, disoriented. Can't taste food as well.

    When I exercise I can't feel anything. I can't notice my heartbeat pounding, my forehead begin to sweat. My ability to sense pain has noticeably decreased. Like I said, when I touch my face, it feels like novocaine after the dentist. I am just ZONED out. I can't concentrate. I feel like I am not completely conscious.
  2. Afterglow?
  3. But it's been 4 days!
  4. I've had it last 3 days before, I didn't complain :confused_2:
  5. I feel like I'm being not productive, but I have no insight as to why this happens. I smoked waaaaaay too much at night and I felt it through the next day, and the next, and the next. Maybe that all nighter extended the afterglow effect? :confused:
  6. you....need to smoke ...a blunt
  7. Meh I think your over tired or something.

    And your just thrown off.

    Me and my friends when we were a lot younger would stay up for days just because of the affect it had on you.

    Most people say its stupid or retarded to do.

    But sometimes you get a clear head and everthing is alot more real for some reason.

    Its in no way a high but still.
  8. Work out. helps me when i feel like this
  9. your a schizo
  10. you smoked perma-weed this is your life from here on out...

    Good luck on your journey
  11. Dude i felt like that for 6 months after a shroom trip. The more I thought about it the worse it got. Just live your life, let time pass and I'm confident you will recover soon enough.
  12. Uh dude... That doesn't sound good. If you can't taste food, have numbness in your face, and those other symptoms I might get yourself checked out. I'm not sure but isn't like not being able to feel your body kinda like a stroke? I dunno.
  13. You can't taste food even when you ARE high?!

    Definitely a problem.
  14. I also recently stopped taking birth control pills, so maybe my body is just freaked out by the combination of weed, sleep deprivation, and being off the medication?

    Is this something I should see a doctor about?
  15. Welcome to the city.

    It's probably your body adjusting to coming off the medication, which probably would amplify sleep deprivation/afterglow effects.
  16. tingly and numbness they may have something to do with your blood pressure. Birth control can mess with your blood pressure and such if i were you i would go to the doctore and get checked out just to be safe because being baked isn't goin make you feel tingly and numb. As for the mind thing i'd check out your diet and see if you can improve it get some Omega 3s and such can help get rid of the mind fog also grains and such can cause that brainfog.

  17. This. It's the only way to get you back to normal. :smoke:
  18. Perhaps this unknown strain was laced with acid or something haha.
    Or maybe you are feeling a sort of natural high in your life from a recent accomplishment. I've felt a sort of high before after accomplishing something or even love has a sort of natural high to it.
    But I was listening to the Joe Rogan Podcast onetime, and they were saying how while under the influence of psychedelics your trip/experience can seem like it feels like days or even weeks. Guy I know did salvia one time and he felt like an entire month went by, when really it was only a few minutes.
  19. its ghost high. i feel amazing for days like 3 days after i smoke weed. i posted a thread somewhere i think in general or tokers q&a.
  20. Yes, or anything. Just smoke, it sounds crazy but I've heard of it working for this situation.

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