Smoke your self to a child

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by ratherdashing, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Me and my friends have been developing a theory. You might have thought of it before. We believe that as 18, 19 year olds, smoking returns us to our youth and makes us feel and act like children again. So what if you smoked with a child. Would he feel like a baby?
  2. I think marijuana just puts you in a state of mind that is uplifting and cheerful to you.

    For you guys as 18 and 19 year olds returning to that childlike state is the sort of state you wish to be in when you smoke some marijuana.

    For a child, he is already innocent. He does not wish to experience another state.
    This brings me to an interesting point. Since the child's mind is not interpreting the experience to give the child the sort of experience they want, a child feels the most pure and straightforward effects of marijuana, whereas we feel a perceived and distorted experience.

    Hmm... interesting.
  3. So I'm thinking we should all smoke out a little kid? haha
  4. when I have smoked

    I perceive much from a surface perspective
    I feel more tuned into 'life'
    my potential seem to increases increase very much

    If a child who watches mickey mouse and similar shows on television and who is relatively innocent were to smoke marijuana
    perhaps this child would literally open a doorway to the alternative reality they perceieve percieve perceive before them
  5. i think it will be the same for anyone who has never hurd of marijuana and dont know they're taking it.
  6. Dude man, ok. Its not that complicated.

    Pot smoking just increases your right brained activity. All of us, with very few exception were at one point right brained individuals?

    When was this? Childhood, when we were babies and infants, our right brain was disproportionately developed in comparison to the left brain.

    When you smoke pot you just activate older right brained neural networking

    Result is not that you go back to being a child but rather you activate the same neural networks that you once used as a child.

    Make sense right?
  7. So, what would it be like if a child smoked?
  8. [​IMG]
  9. ^ that picture is the biggest buzzkill I've ever experienced.
  10. i hear ya. a nice joint while listening to the blues has me rocking like a widdle baby:p
  11. What about this. Imagine if you kept a baby high in some weird experiment from the time he left the womb. As he got older not being high might just be equivalent to being high as it would be a totally new experience in a totally different state of mind. Imagine that.

  12. That. Is very intriguing.. There are so many possible outcomes for that experiment.

    As for the guy who said we're all born with a disproportionate amount of nueral activity in the right hemisphere of our brain, I want to see proof.
    Because all this time I thought when we're born, our brains our wired according to our genetics, and how we simply developed in the womb, OR at least we're all born with equal nueral activity in both hemispheres (assuming we were born healthy)
    Which, I ftr, I wasn't.

  13. I think this pretty much sums it up.
  14. speak for yourself..
  15. I didn't say you were born with a lot of right hemispheric neural activity its just a biproduct of being with your mommy

    when you're a baby what neural circuits are mostly active? Well for one you're paying attention to your mothers face, using the expressions as cues for emotion, at this stage you don't quite understand what the words mean but you are beginning to form connections to separate the language from all the other sounds

    Now face recognition, emotion recognition this is a right brained task
    The language, the writing that you were later taught were ...after all...later taught

    Face recognition/emotion recognition are things we were born aptly enough to process

    My theory is that cannabis just tends to silence a lot of left brain activity, when you silence one hemisphere it allows the opposite hemisphere to be more active, perhaps this increase in right hemisphere activity would explain why when you're high it becomes a lot easier to gauge people's emotions...based on their non verbal cues

    It makes sense rightt?
  16. I've smoked with a 13 year old before. All it does is makes them trip balls... He thought he was swimming in the grass...
  17. That is nothing to be proud of.

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