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Smoke up and try this.

Discussion in 'General' started by vCanisMajorisY, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. #1 vCanisMajorisY, Mar 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012
    I'm sure most of you have heard of floaters, the little floaty things in the back of your eye. While I find that fascinating in and of itself, it gets cooler.

    Ever stare at the clouds on an overcast day and see these little black dots flicker all around your field of vision? Those dots are white blood cells moving through your eye's vasculature.


    It gets even cooler. Here's how you can actually see that vasculature!
    (skip to 3:10 or just watch the whole thing, it's worth it.)


    It's as if my floaters and black dots quadrupled in number since I saw these videos. I can't help but see them but I'ce come to appreciate the fact that as perfect as the human eye is, it's not even close.

  2. Heh that's cool :smoke: a little bit of science never killed anyone I suppose :bongin:
  3. Floaters suck man...

    I have them terribly bad. I see them all day and lots of them.

    My eye doctor told me they are harmless and I can do anything about them, but they drive me fucking insane.
  4. They don't bother me...yet. The only times where they really mess with me is when I pull the occasional all-nighter. The next day I'll just be walking down a hallway when a floater comes out of nowhere and sends me flying.
  5. [quote name='"vCanisMajorisY"']

    They don't bother me...yet. The only times where they really mess with me is when I pull the occasional all-nighter. The next day I'll just be walking down a hallway when a floater comes out of nowhere and sends me flying.[/quote]

    My brain tends to ignore them a lot of the time. I see them, but I wear sunglasses at all times outdoors because of them.

    If I'm tired or stressed I get a lot of them
  6. I notice it too, they entertain me sometimes. (B At first they confuse me though..
  7. wow dude thanks a lot for this I always saw that shit and wondered what it was since i was a kid

  8. I feel honored to be responsible for your cathartic experience. Pay it forward :D
  9. I used to have those I dont anymore Idk why

  10. I've got this pretty pronounced one from .. haha we're all clumsy kids aren't we? I was climbing a tree and a branch snapped and hit me right in the eye. My eyeball bled and we didn't even go to the doctor. Of course it didn't really hurt either .. weird

    So now I have this floater I can almost feel it's so big. But thankfully it's on the side of my eyeball and only occasionally drifts into view.

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