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Smoke Sticking To Body Immunity

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ElementChron, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Like the title says. The smoke never sticks to me, i never have to worry about the smell. Well also because i don't live with my parents anymore so i dont have too. But the smoke never sticks with me? All these forums saying the smoke sticks on your shirt and stuff... That never has happened to me. :eek::D
  2. It's not really debatable... Hotbox a joint of dank wearing a sweater. You'll smell.
  3. You can't smell it on yourself. Your friends are too high/used to it to smell it. You do smell.
  4. Unless the smoke actually hits you, you wont smell.
  5. Well when you hotbox thats obvious but when i go for a joint and a walk in the woods sometimes people say that it makes you stink, a joint especially. I just found when i smoke i never have that smell.
  6. I've never had smoke stick to me with any piece that wasn't a joint, with a joint however I most definitely reek like hell.
  7. This is the stupidest thing I've ever read on GrassCity. I'm serious. I've taken some time, thought about it and I'm certain. This is the least defensible thread I've ever seen and that really is saying something.

    You have skin, yes? Does your skin have pores? Then you do not have an immunity from smelling like the smoke you're exhaling...

    If you'd listened in class you would have thought about how our olfactory senses work. What our brains perceive as smell is a direct result of small particles of the source actually entering our nostrils. When you smoke, particles of the smoke end up coming into contact with your skin. Your skin has holes and is covered in sebum. Particles will stick, especially the sticky ones that are in cannabis.

    Just because you don't think you smell like smoke doesn't mean that you don't. One word... desensitization.

  8. Reminds me of:
    [ame=]YouTube - Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon)[/ame]

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