Smoke Spots

Discussion in 'General' started by StinkytheCat, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. We all got em, in the woods, behind some rundown store, out houses haha.
    My top 5-
    #2-Bench in the back of my house
    #3-Local Woods
    #4- Behind my Pool Shed
    #5-The beach

    You guys got any...
  2. My back porch, I have a little table and a chair set up.
    My pool patio, I sit next to our bar or on my reclining chairs
    Best friend's backyard
  3. - bathroom
    - back patio
    - the beach
    - this one parking garage
    - my friend's car
  4. -hot boxing my ranger, it's the greatest thing ever to hotbox, smoke gets so thick in there, can hardly see the back seats
    -My bathroom, i love smokin some bong bowls and playin WoW while poopin
    -back patio, roll a nice blunt, set up the hookah, get some brews and just relax
    -my old friend's closet, we'd go smoke in the closet and watch hella funny videos tryin to keep quiet while his parents were sleepin, some of the best memories ever
    -friends storage room, it's basically a ventless open closet complete with leather couches, recliners and blunt rotations
  5. Well since I'm 31, I just smoke wherever. My house, my car....the fucking front yard :)

    When you're older, and have been smoking for a while, you just kinda stop hiding it :)

    I walked down the street to Taco bell earlier, blazing the entire way.

    If for some odd and unlikely reason a cop stopped me, I would have looked at HIM like HE was crazy......cause I've done the shit so long :)
  6. Mountains,Cliffs, Hidden Beaches, Pretty much any untouched place in nature

  7. I feel you money, natures the best place to blaze
  8. 1. Hiking trail just outside town.
    2. My car.
    3. At my friend's place back in Saskatchewan.
    4. Abandoned sand pits back in Saskatchewan.
    5. Various abandoned houses I like to explore.
  9. 1. in my car
    2. in my car
  10. 1. My bedroom
    2. My living room
    3. My basement
    4. My kitchen
    5. In front of my computer
  11. I once smoked a blunt 75 feet up in a tree while dangeling in my harness :D
    Was quite the thrill going down.

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