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Smoke on the lungs

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Daft Funk, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Ive started to exercise daily. I walk 1 mile everyday and run about 3 miles every other day. Seeing that I exercise, are my lungs stronger and therefore wont get as "damaged" by smoke? Ive been thinking about getting a vape so i can use that more from now on and then smoke a joint, blunt or pipe like once a week.

    What do you think?

    Have any other runners here felt a change or have you not?
  2. excercising will make your lungs stronger and help them clean themselves better.

    it wont reverse the damage unless you stop inhaling all smoke for a long time

    but it will slow the damage and you will feel better n shit
  3. Vape for sure! Definately doing your lungs a favor.
  4. Hey man i vape and run its worth it bro. :hello:

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