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Smoke but can't chill?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by NeverMistakeMe, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Ever come across people like this? People who just like to smoke then leave? Whether it be they are matching or I'm smoking them up I noticed a few people who do this constantly and needless to say I don't 'chill' with them anymore.
  2. Fools, they are.
  3. Damn scavengers! I hate those people!

  4. Well if they throw down money for the bud it isn't really scavenging but I think that those people are just afraid to smoke on their own.....otherwise why the fuck would they pay money to get high with others and leave, clearly showing that they never wanted to be around those people to begin with.
  5. Yeah, that happens a lot around here. It gets really annoying, because personally id rather be stoned with a few good friends having some laughs than sitting around by myself.
  6. [quote name='"East Coast"']Yeah, that happens a lot around here. It gets really annoying, because personally id rather be stoned with a few good friends having some laughs than sitting around by myself.[/quote]

    Me too but being alone with an xbox and computer is pretty fun too
  7. sometimes it happens but we always match so its chill if they want to leave.
  8. Sometimes you just gotta go.
  9. [quote name='"Xitl"']

    Me too but being alone with an xbox and computer is pretty fun too[/quote]

    Yes xbox live + green+other stoners not idiots on xboxlive= endless laughs, conspiracy convos that gets everyone randomly booted as soon as you get to a heated and well formed point, more laughs, freestyle rapping, jokes on all randys that drop in the party(enough to make them feel the love), and Damn good times

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