Smittywilsons platinumLed and hibrix journal

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by smittywilson, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. Top of the morning to you all I stayed up way to late last night I ended up dropping 3 seeds before I went to bed Barneys farm cookie kush fem and two tga locomotion
  2. Ohhhhhhh locomotion nice
    I got animal cookies but never dropped it yet.
  3. #63 smittywilson, Jun 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2015
    I really liked how it was turning out but I just don't wanna have plant that do that around the next time it's time to water I am gonna start to flush her and holy grail
  4. Yeah my holy grail is a Lil rough seedling right now.
  5. one thing to know about lady bugs is you can't just turn em loose in the garden.  You need them to breed and create baby lady bugs who do the most work in clearing out pests.  To do that you need to create a happy lady bug home.  A old seedling starting dome works great.  Throw some raisins in there and a sponge that stays moist for them to drink off of and a little bedding and they'll be happy as hell.  They'll breed and spread the love but if you turn them loose and hope for the best you'll just end up with dead lady bugs.
  6. #66 smittywilson, Jun 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2015
    When I got them the lady told me to spray the with 50/50 sprite and water and then mist all my plants with just water I only put a few inside most went out side on the veggies I left the bedding and sponge that came with them out there I still see them doing there thing so I kinda did something right
  7. Mine mostly died. I just released but there wasn't much food. I'll try that again. However in my tent they are humping each other lol. Definitely Sex Workers.

    Attached Files:

  8. lmao I am gonna got get more for outside I just looked and some fucking caterpillars ate one of my small broccoli plants guess I need to get some seven dust fucking bastard
  9. So my veg box is just exploding right now ran out of room again I guess I need to get a bigger box ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1433709285.569903.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1433709301.238587.jpg
    And also to add the these PlatinumLED lights are frost producers this is the same bud with and without flash ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1433709450.575723.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1433709471.327515.jpg
  10. Need a bigger veg area...
    Need better lights...
    Need more fans...
    Need better flower area...
    Need better nutes...
    Need better soil...
    Need better lights....
    It's a freaking sickness I tell ya.
    We are all some sick bastards![​IMG]
  11. Well I hope the kit is all I will ever need from now on
  12. #72 Antics, Jun 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2015
    I run out of likes way too fast here.
    Great update though. The girls in Veg look healthy as possible, and really frosty buds man. I saw a big increase when I moved to my cheaper Mars models, with Platinum you're gonna kill it!
  13. #73 smittywilson, Jun 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2015
    I didn't know you could run out of likes lol I am loving what the p600 has done for me my next flower run will be way better as long as I have a few females I will be happy. And thanks antics
  14. While I go through the journals I'm following, I can't even get caught up on journal before I get this message:
    \tAn error occurredYou have reached your quota of positive votes for the day

    Although it could be a glitch for me as well if nobody else has experienced it.
  15. Well it is hard to keep up with everything so much going on
  16. Yeah but I'm all for that man, never a dull moment where I'm bored here. Tons of journals to get caught up with.
    And now my likes work again. These things only happen to me lol.
  17. It must be limited to a certain time then maybe so many an hour
  18. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1433729256.255873.jpg so this was my last post on 420 I don't need that cry baby ass shit it's way better here
  19. Our new home is better.

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