Smiley faces

Discussion in 'General' started by Hello there!, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. I use a lot of smiley faces whenever I text or talk to people online. I think it's because I always want the person to think I'm happy to be talking to them haha (<-- I also say haha or lol a lot). Nobody I know does it, does anybody here do this, or am I just crazy? :smoke:

  2. haha yeah man : )

    The 2 biggest problems I have with texting is that it seems people never know what emotion I'm actually giving, and the other is that it's really hard sometimes to read sarcasm the right way. If I'm just being a smart ass about it and it's obvious that the reader wont get it, i usually add a :) or "lol" at the end just to let them know I'm jokin around!

    yeah... lol I seem to use a shit ton smiles in the texting world. but i like it.
  3. Haha thanks this makes me feel so much better! And yeah I like it too, it adds a little spice to the text :cool:

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