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Smelly Stash! Has it exposed you?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RoobyDoobieDoo, May 16, 2011.

  1. Me: Acquires extra extra nice weed (for first time). Store like usual stash.

    Mom: "Your room smells like marijuana!?!?"

    Mind: "What I didn't smoke in there! Ohhh skunky-but :rolleyes: it's goooood!"

    You know? Also, storage/stash hints for extra smelly bud to not be noticeable?
  2. sounds like your mom is chill about weed.

    Sounds like a good day to me in your house.
  3. I'm a pretty meticulous person in general so I often take superfluous precautions to avoid getting caught doing shit I "shouldn't be doing," so I've never personally experienced this. My close friend, however, found himself in a similar situation with his dad after buying an 8th of dank.

    Wanna know why?

    He kept it in the paper-thin sandwich bag his hook gave it to him in. In case you didn't know, plastic doesn't hold in the delicious scent of good weed very well. For this reason, among others, I have always kept my stash in a glass jar within an old cd player case along with my toking tools :smoke:

    Just get some sort of airtight (or at least semi-airtight) container and put your stuff in there and you should be good to go
  4. I wince whenever someone takes out stored bud that's still in the sandwich bag. It's unethical to their weed!

    I'm normally careful (and organization is helpful for putting stuff away when you're baked), and I guess my airtight jar was only semi-airtight-no!!

    But moms pretty chill, but more outta sight and out of mind so discreetness is good (and a nice in general habit)
  5. smelly proof bags inside a glass mason jar.
  6. I hate when a family member thinks they smell some when there isn't any there! :(
  7. your mom tokes
  8. as a teenager i used to put all my stuff in a ziploc bag,(pipe, lighter, eye drops, jar of weed) and then put it in another ziploc bag the the opening of the first bag down so its farthest away from the second bags opening, and repeat with like 7 bags.

    then, i ripped away the cloth under my boxspring under my mattress and there was a wire that ran around the underside which i could tuck it behind.

    i did that in the furthest away corner of my bed that faced the back corner of my room, which made it a total pain in the ass for my parents to search because it was so far out of the way. i mean, they would never go back there unless they knew that i stashed it back there.

    happy toking!

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