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smelly bowls

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sournotessx, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. What do you guys do with your pieces to keep them from stanking? I can't find a good case because my bowl is so irregularly shaped. Any ideas? Besides... bag it, or some gay shit you're about to suggest.
  2. I kept my bong in a wooden drawer, it absorbed all the smells, IMO. Ambient smell faded within the day.
  3. clean it, never a bad idea
  4. i would say clean it or put it in a ziplper closed case
  5. ISO+Salt, Grunge off, 420 cleaner...

    Keeping your piece free of nasty rez generally keeps it from smelling to badly. ;)
  6. i like to keep dryer sheets in my stash box, absorbs the smell of a bowl nicely
  7. HAHAHA.

    :hello: :laughing:

    I'm super baked right now, and I thought the title read "smelly bowels" and I was going to come in here and read how you thought smoking weed was related to some stinky poo. I laughed really hard, but then it was just about bowls.

    Oh well.
  8. :smoke: You sir just made me roll a nice game blunt. It'll go wonderful with these Heniekens.

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