smells like burning rubber homie

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Y O D A, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. so i just blazed a j at my friends house and my mom picked me up and as soon as i got in the car she goes to my dad, smells like burning rubber in here, and my dad agrees, then my mom goes, is the blinker on? :confused::confused: idk why but then they kept talking and later asked if his parents were home...

    so whats the dealio, busted or clean free
  2. clean free.
  3. Your a CHILDREN! :eek:
  4. She thinks the smell of burning rubber is the left blinker on?
  5. Who said left.
  6. you just did.
  7. #8 rmc4, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    were not children were both seniors in highschool, he hasnt bought a car yet. and yo op the first thing my mom says wen she walks in the house is," it smells like smoke, dont let ur father smell that. "

  8. ha fuckin idiot left like it was left unattended. not the direction
  9. Ready.....


    FIRE !

    When you see the target, you betta mark it.
  10. that made no sense at all op

  11. Well i had my laugh for the day after that.
  12. lmao, same :hello:.
  13. Cool thread, bros.
  14. you got busted... good luck
  15. you're fucked!
  16. nah bro you good..

    i once went home after 2 blunts of fire, and my dad said 'i think hes high' but i was downstairs and i heard, never meantioned again lol.
  17. These people are creepers.
    Just like in my getting shot thread(deleted by AkInfinity, still won't come clean about it)
    I never said it was my left leg. Then someone says and you got shot in my left

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