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Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Djembejim, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. I'm currently grinding up a 10 sack of some good mid and my large stem collection to make come THC peanut oil, the recipe I have says to let it sit in a crock pot for 6 hours.

    My issue is it's about to snow, so if I plugged it in in the backyard or elsewhere outside, it would get snowed on/potentially fucked up, and if it didn't snow it would look suspicious as hell for me to go out there every 30-45 minutes to check up on it.

    If I just plugged it in in my room and let it cook on my desk, would the smell carry the same as if I were sauteing it?
  2. No it wouldnt be ok. Just tell your parents your cooking weed in their crokpot. Then ya dont have to sneak it around.

    or do it at night or when they aint home..............
  3. I'm pretty sure they have no idea what it smells like.

    I'm burning a few candles and spraying axe around my doorway

  4. Lol that's a terrible idea, if there house smells like candles and axe there gonna be suspicious as hell and there gonna go in your room to see what's up.... But I see you posted that yesterday soooo, how was getting caught?

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