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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mafia93, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. I often smoke on my front porch to avoid getting the house smokey/smelly and I was just wondering how far you guys think the smell travels from my porch? My front porch is about 25 feet from my next door neighbor and about 50 feet from the house across the street... Every time I walk out to see if I can smell it, I'm high and smell it on my clothes, ect.
  2. neighbors can for sure smell it if the wind is blowing their way.
  3. dude i have found out that a lot of people smoke weed around where i live by following my nose. don't be surprised if they know.
  4. lmfao I'm not too worried about it. The guy next door is like 80 and I smoke pretty late anyway.
  5. they might know. their not outside 24/7 but if their out they might catch a wiff. they prob wont do anything though unless they have children. if they have children you shouldn't be doing it around there.

    you could always make one of those blow things.
    toilet paper roll full of dryer sheets to eliminate the stink.
    thats what id reccomend.

    just replace the sheets every few tokes. youll be good
    now gimmie some rep


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