Ok, I grow in a plastic garden shed/cab its small. It has 2 fans. I am getting a lot of smell out of it..what could I use to filter it? I know people use carbon filters, but do they make a size small enough for a 120mm computer fan?
http://forum.grasscity.com/do-yourself/232457-15-00-carbon-scrubber-wal-mart.html You can take this idea and use different materials to scale the size up or down to meet your needs.
i'd be curious to know wether they really work as well as people say they do... don't get me wrong, i'm no doubting debbie, but i hear that they're not 100% sometimes, that they're only about 50% effective... just how effective are they? i know, my inner n00b is showing through, but i am curious.
If you exhaust the air from the cab with full efficiency and run that exhaust through enough carbon then it can eliminate the odor completely. The challenges are fully exhausting the box (box design, strength of fans, size of intake/exhaust, unimpeded airflow, etc) and how much carbon you use.
thanks for the replies..I made a carbon filter out of a atrium grate..but I already had to take it off because of heat issues. I guess I need a bigger exhaust fan.