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Smartest Epiphany while high?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by lilish4, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. (btw i posted this in high ideas but no one looks at those so im posting here. I know, im bad.)
    What's the smartest epiphany that you've ever got while high? Something that youve been thinking about or just some kind of problem that you solved while high? For me it was yesterday morning I woke up and packed a fat bowl and smoked it. Idk why, but I thought of the paradox "what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object" and the answer kinda just came to me. The answer I thought of is that the unstoppable force goes THROUGH the immovable object!!!! It makes perfect sense! The force doesn't stop and the object doesn't move! I solved the answer to the universe. Fuck you if you say otherwise. [​IMG] jk
  2. A singularity
  3. I thought of this yesterday when I was stoned out of me head:
    If the Big Bang theory (BBT) of the "creation of the universe" is taken as "True".
    Recall the BBT says that the uni is ever expanding from a single event.
    If so, then what event preceded the actual Big Bang?
    Because if an event did Precede the Big Bang, then the Big Bang is not the starting point of the universe ( not where time = 0). The event that preceded the BB was the start of the universe.
    You follow me?

  4. Quantum mechanics still apply to nothingness. The universe was a quantum singularity, quantum particles can come in and out of existence at any time. Our universe came into existence completely randomly as a quantum particle. Then the big bang happened. Then there was a shift between the positive and negative energy in the universe which created mass while maintaining a total of absolute 0.

    The higgs bosom gave the matter mass and here we are today.

    We still have quite a bit of information to fill in but we'll get there.

    Also all matter is energy condensed into a slow vibration. In the sig.
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  5. woah... genius. SO obvious, but no one thought of that..
  6. yeah man.. thats a great question haha. i wish we knew the answer
  7. My greatest epiphany was, "Fuck, I'm really fucking stoned."
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  8. The big bang is an attempt to explain how the universe developed from a very tiny, dense state into what it is today. It doesn't attempt to explain what initiated the creation of the universe, or what came before the big bang or even what lies outside the universe.
  9. Cranberry pretzels.
  10. my greatest epiphany was that nothing is real and we are all the imaginations of ourselves...
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  11. I cant remember
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  12. My biggest epiphany.. And this is completely true i don't really care if anyone believes me but here we go..

    I'm sitting at my house one night, nothing to do. I remembered my boys were doing mush and getting baked as shit. I decided to drive across town to his base. I get there, swim1, swim2, and 2 of our other buddys are there. I asked swim1 to sell me some mush, he was so messed up he just gave me the bag and i picked out 4.5 of bomb stems and caps. Anyways, i munch them, with a gallon of oj. Our two buddys leave, and all of a sudden were all VIBING HARDDDD. you have no idea, we all just stood up and decided we wanted to go for a walk. We walk to this random path/field and lay down, we still have about a half o of mush, and we ate the whole thing between me swim1 and swim2. ANYWAYS, were laying in this field tripping the hell out, talking about the most RANDOM STUFF, swim1 starts tripping out tallking about if he fell asleep earlier he wasnt going to wake up, an he didnt have the will to live? we all started tripping. No word of a lie, we all saw the devil, swim1 said he had a choice of dealing or his family on the other side. swim2 started crying and rambling on about how he chose the devil and dealing too. it was all like we were on a walk to the devil and we chose our paths. anyways i know how stupid this all sounds, this isnt even the epiphany. He walk back to swim2s house and start talking about a GROW OP. this was before i came onto GC. i was growing a few plants but had nowhere to put them, swim2 was wanting to start a grow in his basement, and swim1 has been chopping tree and wanted a grower. it was like it was ment to be, we all talked NONSTOP for another good few hours, until 6AM, when we all started coming bck to reality. The mushrooms made us so smart and we peiced together another 50 connections on how we met and how this was perfect, we started the next day on our grow and havent looked back since. Honestly the most life changing night for all of us. Theres no way to explain what happenend that night but we'll always know.
  13. [quote name='"Planthead"']My biggest epiphany.. And this is completely true i don't really care if anyone believes me but here we go..

    I'm sitting at my house one night, nothing to do. I remembered my boys were doing mush and getting baked as shit. I decided to drive across town to his base. I get there, swim1, swim2, and 2 of our other buddys are there. I asked swim1 to sell me some mush, he was so messed up he just gave me the bag and i picked out 4.5 of bomb stems and caps. Anyways, i munch them, with a gallon of oj. Our two buddys leave, and all of a sudden were all VIBING HARDDDD. you have no idea, we all just stood up and decided we wanted to go for a walk. We walk to this random path/field and lay down, we still have about a half o of mush, and we ate the whole thing between me swim1 and swim2. ANYWAYS, were laying in this field tripping the hell out, talking about the most RANDOM STUFF, swim1 starts tripping out tallking about if he fell asleep earlier he wasnt going to wake up, an he didnt have the will to live? we all started tripping. No word of a lie, we all saw the devil, swim1 said he had a choice of dealing or his family on the other side. swim2 started crying and rambling on about how he chose the devil and dealing too. it was all like we were on a walk to the devil and we chose our paths. anyways i know how stupid this all sounds, this isnt even the epiphany. He walk back to swim2s house and start talking about a GROW OP. this was before i came onto GC. i was growing a few plants but had nowhere to put them, swim2 was wanting to start a grow in his basement, and swim1 has been chopping tree and wanted a grower. it was like it was ment to be, we all talked NONSTOP for another good few hours, until 6AM, when we all started coming bck to reality. The mushrooms made us so smart and we peiced together another 50 connections on how we met and how this was perfect, we started the next day on our grow and havent looked back since. Honestly the most life changing night for all of us. Theres no way to explain what happenend that night but we'll always know.[/quote]

    That's not a stoned epiphany and you're not aloud to talk about bad boy drugs

  14. Did i mention we were stoned as hell the whole time ?
  15. I was really high back in the day and started thinking about parallel universes and how I think they are all around us but we can't see them because they are at a different frequency..drew a whole bunch of overlapping bubbles and later found out this is the basis for string theory and was like wtf
  16. [quote name='"Planthead"']

    Did i mention we were stoned as hell the whole time ?[/quote]

    No but you did go into fair detail of your unmentionable experience

  17. Yea but notice we're allowed to talk about ALCOHOL and TOBACCO either one of which is responsible for more deaths than every illegal drug combined.
  18. [quote name='"TheKushLife"']Cranberry pretzels.[/quote]

    fuccin right those would be bomb
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  19. ice lollies cure the craving to munch and drymouth in the most awesome way ever invented.
  20. My greatest revelation was that all the little conflicts in your life and a lot of things we think are really important are just part of a bigger picture. People can live their entire lives not questioning what the government does, and their rebellion stops at "Fuck the police". I feel like the reason weed is illegal is to keep our minds trained on that for a while. Imagine if voting actually helped and laws were reformed based on what the people thought....well we'd have a lot more time to question what the fuck is going on with America today right? They want us to get pissed about smaller things so we don't look at the bigger things.

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