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smallest amount youve ever bought?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 8MilesHigh, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. so thursday my friend is probably selling me a one sack. hes just going to sell me like a little nug for a dollar, so i can get a decent high on thursday night. the reason i am doing this is because i am really short on money lately and also my mom has been cracking down on me so i dont want to get burned. so, what is the smallest sack you guys have ever bought?
  2. Um I was fronted a 5$ a few times but I was back the next day with the money.. And dude a 1$ sack?... Either start growing or something because that is not how you enjoy the herb
  3. A gram......
  4. move this to apprentice section..
  5. A gram. I buy gram bags from new dealers to basically test the waters if I can trust them or not when buying large quanities.
  6. hahaha i know man. i just gotta do what i gotta do at this point because im still in high school and get 5 bucks a week and owe a couple people money aha, but hey its not too bad a deal pay a dollar get a little bowl and smoke it that night.
  7. this isnt a beginners question dude. ive been smokin for almost 2 years and daily for over a year, ive just been in some shit lately. and i think itd be more interesting getting the opinions of actualy stoners rather than just some kids that are new to bud.
  8. .2-.3 of mids lol
  9. i split a G with a friend one time back in HS, other than that i pick up G's or maybe 1/8th when i'm traveling usually so i'm less likely to get in trouble with the Law wherever i may be \(many countries are much harsher then ours)
  10. Damn $5 a week. Back when I was in high school I got $20 a But smallest amount is the classic $5 sack with 1.5-2 grams of som reggie. Most dealers only go$20 and up now so Im luckyto even find someone if I want to spend only $10.
  11. damn, i didnt even know you could buy less than a pound at a time.
  12. i remember when i would ask dealers with "pieces" of weed when i only had like a dollar.
  13. Smallest amount was a $0.65 sack. We had just blazed out and I wanted a nug so I could roll a pinner to smoke on the walk home.
  14. i know man. my mom used to just keep a jar of money out, and i could just get from it whenever (i would usually take like 2 dollars a day and yes, spend it on drugs) but now she just gives me a buck a day. watever though i guess i shouldnt be complaining because its free money anyways.
  15. and exactly what the hell are you gonna get for 5 dollars a week?

    thats sweatshop wages man.

    if anyone came to me for a dollars worth of weed id flick a stem at them and close the door!
  16. i get smoked out a lot also so i dont always need to buy bud. actually i usually end up spending my money on other substances but i miss smoking alone at night and shit so im buying the one sack so i can at least do it for a night.
  17. Just get a job, its not that hard to find just need look in right places. 5 dollars a week thats pretty weak man.
  18. i bought a knife hit for a buck one time roughly .2-.3 gram
  19. i usually get a 1/8th 2 or 3 times a week....but the smalles amount i have ever boughten was 5 bucks worth....and i wish i got free money

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