A couple was arrested in Indiana for driving down the road the wrong way. The news station that reported this said marijuana was to blame, but then continued to report that a variety of prescription drugs were also found in the vehicle along with some cannabis. They instantly jumped to the conclusion that the cannabis was to blame for their reckless driving. What follows is a link to the report with a video included, and my response on their comments page. (I don't know why, but my post appeared three times after I submitted it. I only clicked it once.) ISP: Wrong way driver high on marijuana - 14 News, The Tri-State's News and Weather Leader Cannabis did not make this person drive down the road the wrong way. I bet some of those PRESCRIPTION drugs certainly have that effect on its users, but any person educated on the subject of cannabis knows that mj is not the culprit in this situation. I'm very disapppointed in 14wfie for jumping to this conclusion. And if it was the officer from whom they received this information who said that cannabis is to blame, then he should have been quoted. Bad form, 14, very bad form. edit: One more thing. I would really love it if you guys would flood their comments page with your opinions. =)
all the guys that posted after you are stupid and uneducated lol i never do anything stupid smoking weed but on a pk im out of controll i stay away from all pharms
My drug treatment dude got high on Weed, then continued drinking to a blood alcohol level of .52 (52%) and died. He says Weed was to blame for his reckless decision to drink to death. I think he was just that type of person at the time. Hes been sober of everything for thirty years, and claims to have much more fun then any drug user. ......
A couple years ago a friend of mine got extreme deppression and the doctor put him on a lot of meds. A few days after starting the meds he got pulled over for driving the wrong way down the road! I know it could just be a coincidence but I still believe it was because of all the meds.
I've always been cautious of antidepressants and antianxiety meds. I went to high school with a girl who was taking Prozac. This was when Prozac was new, but still. After she started feeling better, she decided she didn't need to take the prozac anymore, so she just quit. Two days later, she threw herself from her moving vehicle while she was driving it. Miraculously, she lived. Prescription meds are just as dangerous, if not more so, than many of the illegal drugs. And yet, everyone is always so quick to point the finger at cannabis. It blows my mind sometimes.
This just really proves to me the complete ignorance of people today..its a plant, nothing chemically alters it. There are so many things that people should be "worrying" about besides this. People really need to get their heads outta there conservative grandparents asses. The nerve of people today
actually he was thought to have died from his problems with alcohol..but later its stated his death was from rabies..yes opium is a plant...but how many people have been killed due to inhaling marijuana smoke...
There is ample evidence to suggest that this statement is complete rubbish. Cannabis has been used all throughout recorded history. Evidence of cannabis use can be found in drawings on cave walls and ancient scrolls. Yet, to date, NO ONE has ever died from using cannabis. Care to revise that bullshit statement, or at the very least, provide a link to support such a ridiculous claim?
Stick to the facts..i value your opinion because i am an open minded individual..one question, for someone who is so negative on "our plant" why is it you use grasscity? The ideas you have stated are clearly a fabric of your imagination, so just chill out bro and keep up the toke!
^^I was being sarcastic...I know that the statement by DARE is utter rubbish. Sry I didnt make it clear enough!
Whew! ~wipes brow~ My bad, man, I thought you were being serious. If you haven't seen it already, you should check out High: The True Tale of American Marijuana. What I learned about the D.A.R.E. program from watching that documentary made me nauseous. Now, I take every opportunity afforded to me to smear the shit out of the DARE campaign.