i have a small crawl space in my bedroom with a slanting roof. there is a space at the end that is a triangle 43" high, 32" wide, and 40" deep (see pics). i was thinking of starting to grow a few plants in this space but i dont know if it is big enough, any advice would be great!
Well, by the sound of it you could pull it off. Not alot of vertical space but using CFLs and training the plant would be your best bet??... unles you got some mulah for equipment?? Just make sure you can have a good ventilation system. Sounds like a stuffy enviorment.
I'm growing in less space then that. My box is 36" tall, 24" wide, and 19" deep: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Read up on LST. It can really help keep the height under control in a small growspace. I've had pretty good luck with it in the little experimenting that I have done.
Prior to saying it will work or not....what are the ambient air temps in that section of your room? Keep in mind, adding lights will only increase this temp - meaning if it's already 85F, you're probably going to need to cool it somehow.