Small pipes

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by rollitup456, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. hey guys! Hows it going? Anyway i got caught recently and i need a relitivly small pipe to hide, since i cant hide i bong anymore. So i was planning on getting a spoon but i wanted to know what like a 3-4 inch glass spoon looked like. If anyone has ones these size do you think you could post a pic of them on here so i can see? Thanks!
  2. How about you google "spoon pipe" and see what magic occurs..
  3. i did that but there is all diffrent kinds of sizes and i dont know which of them is like 3-4 inches thats why i called upon the fine people of grasscity!!:)
  4. i have a 3 inch bowl, and whenever people see it, theyre always like "wow thts small" but i like the smaller ones so i can conceil(sp?) it better. i can post a pic of it if ud like.
  5. why do you want to know how big a 3-4 inch pipe is?

    get a ruler or a tape measure and measure 3-4 inches.
  6. ill post a pic if i can here in a bit, i just tried but my camera is dead and has major battery issues.
  7. Thanks id love to see it!
  8. look at your dick for size comparison
  9. I don't know about spoons. I have to smoke discreetly now, but my new glass pipe is wonderful and easy to hide
  10. Not all pipes are made the same , look for one with that has the biggest hole or air ways .
    If you like a bong then the little airway of a small pipe you will most likely not like most pipes .........
    My pipes you can stick your little finger into the pipes stem bore , they breath.
    I have made allot of beer cans and soda cans into throw away pipes ..

    I am surprised the glass pipe makers are not making small pipes with larger air ways .

    Ever think about making your own pipe ....
  11. Lol you guys this is a 7 year old thread and the op hasn't been on since 2015... but for anyone now that is looking for a good pipe grab labs spoon pipes can't do you wrong

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