I have these little flea like things living underneath my pots. They are really small and jump around and move fast. Any ideas what these things are, the first thing is obviously a spider the second thing is what i'm worried about. Bugsss - YouTube best to watch in 480p
I've got these little bastards on me too, never seen em on the plants but everytime I'd go to check on the girls I'd have em crawling up my legs, they're about the same exact size as fleas though. I'm not growing inside anymore, they've been transplanted but the little bastards are still in the basement.
Maybe Springtails here on my blog: http://forum.grasscity.com/blogs/vostok/26674-springtail.html see it as a compliment to your gardening, they like high "N" foods, best cured again with Neem Oil http://forum.grasscity.com/blogs/vostok/31964-neem-oil.html, but not for the last 2 weeks of bud. peace "V"