These small holes appeared out of nowhere. Just on that one leaf and nowhere else. Only plant out of four that I’ve found with it. Any idea what it could be? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It’s the only leaf like that? Probably just mechanical damage, got pinched or something. I would just remove it if you’re worried about it and keep an eye out for more, if any. Post a photo of the entire plant for us to look at.
That plant look healthy. Pick off that bad leaf, some of us might start defoliating that plant, some might not.
Thank you sir. I actually planned on doing that here later today and training her a little bit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
look for little black specs IMO: that be caterpillar poop or some other a visit to your garden store for some chem might be in order? good luck
I was getting something a little like that turned out to not be a big deal but I was thinking wind damages from my fans
That’s honestly what I’m thinking. It is the closest one to my tan. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hopefully that's all it is. I didn't even bother turning mine down the only thing I hate is I had all the beautiful leaves then a few like that but if the beauty bothers you pick it off as I honestly think your plant would benefit from a haircut anyway. Good luck