Small grow box lighting issues

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by niccafish, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. I have a stealth box thats is L-14"x W-16"x 2 ft.........I have 1 plant flowering with 1 43 wat cfl 2700k and 2 14 watt cfl also 2700k , my question is....IS THIS ENOUGH LIGHT? i do have cool air intake and exuast.......also would 2 43 watt 2700k work for veg stage, i would like to turn my box i have now into veg room , and have bigger floser room :)...... caring is sharing thanks for any help everyone, yes this is my first grow
  2. i'm not an expert by any means, but i know a thing or two and have some (limited) experience. my two cents worth: determining whether or not that is enough light depends on how much you're willing to sacrifice in terms of yield. my only experience with fluorescents has been with HO T5's, but if i understand correctly the suggested *bare* minimum with CFL's is (as a very general rule) 100 true watts per plant. by true watts i mean not "compare to a 60 watt incandescent bulb" but rather *actual watts*. although i'm not sure if that applies to veg and bloom, or just veg. if that's the case, you're just barely below that minimum. so my guess would be that you'll get a bit of smoke off your plant, but the buds probably won't be very dense, and they will probably be fairly small. in my opinion, for my efforts the amount/quality of what you're likely to get wouldn't be worth it to me, but if you're ok with a greatly diminished yield i suppose it's enough. CFL's are pretty cheap tho, and relatively cool if you've got good ventilation. why not throw a few more in there? :)
  3. If you can add more light and keep the temps down do it
    Can never have enough light but, you can have insufficient lighting and rather easy too

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