Small grow attempt help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by tokemasterjax, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. I found a seed the other day in one of my bags. It looks like it is viable and able to grow. I wanna try to grow it on my window sill, will this work? Im not worried about people seein the plant i just want to know if this will work, i dont wanna buy lights and stuff cause i dont plan growing. I just wanna give this one seed a shot.
  2. to get anything worth smoking you should get a light, but maybe you could put it in your backyard or something and it'd be pretty big and i bet people would help you out
  3. your education begins....... Now :hello:
  4. all you have to do is put it outdoors and you can guerilla grow or do a regular outdoor plant
  5. should I germinate and grow it a bit inside and then put it outside or should i just plant it? I live in Jacksonville by the way so i dont know how good the natural soil is.
  6. i mean find a spot outdoors and start diggin a hole 3-10 gallons most people do and you go buy some fresh soil from a store i like fox farms ocean forest soil for a couple reasons and it has lots of nutes and you dont hacve to give it nutes until flowering but just about anything works and pour the soil in into the ground do it slow and make sure its aitated and preferibley buy seed starters or find some soil and start the plant in a cup of the dirt you dug up with a lil of the fox farms ocean forest because the ocean forest soil is too acidic and could hurt your plant while it a seed and roots are trying to develop
  7. If its a window facing south you could probably get something decent from the window cill. The only suggestion I have a is to use a liquid nutrient of around 7.4.11 and go with a half dose since it wont be in direct sunlight!

  8. I actually just started my seed on the window sill 2 weeks ago. It works for that, but unless you live down under where spring is starting, you are running out of daylight.

    A window sill will work, but the plant will get too big for the sill.
  9. There's more sunlight that hits the earth in the northern part of America in the winter then in the summer !

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