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Small black gnat looking bugs? Fungal Gnats, HYDROPONIC SYSTEM

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by OhsoOhio, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. So I have been having issues like yellowing leaves, curling, browning in spots.  Thought I had a lock up or a deficiency, turns out I have tons of bugs around the top of my root zone.  Big and small which means they have done laid eggs and hatched... NOT GOOD.  What can I do to at least discourage them so I can finish my harvest?

  2. How far along in flower are you? Well if ur at least halfway or more I'd use h2o2 maybe 1-5% ratio on the amount of water you use. If you use pesticides it will eventually make it into the plant and u will taste it. Please let us know what kind of system you have as well as how far along. Pictures would help.Sent from my NEO3DO using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  3. peroxide?  Here is the thing I have 4 plants 3 being indicas and are almost in week 6, they will finish buds look pretty good.  The sativa still has awhile and is getting pummeled by these things.  I am going to scrap the sativa and remove it all together.  I am going to catch a few of these little bastards and ID them under a microscope, found a good article on how to identify if it is a root aphid or fungal gnat.  From reading and what I have experienced, I think it is a root aphid.  I thought I had a Mg, N and possibly a P or K deficiency.  .  I am going to sanitize the room and use a new median.  Next time I will use a more airy median than just Rockwool.  I think the cube got saturated and invited this problem.  I almost went crazy thinking it was a lock up or a deficiency or too much fert........ Not happy to have insects but at least now I know...........
  4. Swear to god I am itching now.
  5. What a bummer.  Was expecting a big harvest off that plant to, it WAS beastly.
  6. You may wanna go another 2 -3 weeks with your existing plants and with bugs you are just at that barrier, of if you do anything there is a good chance that it will affect the harvest or the user, you mat try using Neem Oil, half a teaspoon to a pint hand sprayer, fill with warm water and spray the plants and root zones really well, allow to dry under a fan on hi for 1-2 hours
    Neem Oil to my blog:
    and the 

    Neem is organic, and the effects should have dissipated during later bud and early drying
  7. Appreciate the advice, I am not going to add any insecticide at this point.  I am about 2 weeks from harvesting and the sativa that needs more time I am going to chop and scrap it.  I am going to sanitize and re-do my set up so it is more airy next time.  Live and learn, thanks for all replies. 
  8. Have u tried the hydrogen peroxide yet? This is ur best bet since u are in hydro. U can use it for a few days then drain and go back to flushing.

    Sent from Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. Use sticky traps
  10. I thought I had fungus gnats turns out it was root aphids. If you have aphids do what it takes to get rid of them. My plants budded for 4 weeks and then my plants died off--very common with root aphids. And then just make sure flush plenty before harvest better to have slightly less desirable tasting nugz then dead nugz.

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