Small black ants built a nest in one of my notill pots...

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by rnz, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. Hiya

    I have multiple 30GAL notill pots (outdoors), and one of them has a huuuge amount of ants in it, found a huge nest on one side.

    Do I need to worry about them?

    If so, how can I get rid of 'em safely?
  2. Getting Rid Of Ants In Container Plants Naturally
    • Choose one of the following essential oils, according to your taste: lavender, thyme or yarrow.
    • Fill a spray bottle with water.
    • Put a few drops in the bottle (at will, but about 5 will suffice).
    • Spray the plants from about 12” (30 cm) away.
    • Spray it on the soil.
    • Spray it also on the outside of the pot.
    • You can leave the window closed if you want to keep the aroma in the room.
    • Like Like x 3
  3. You are amazing, thank you!! Making this up right now to give it a go.

    Appreciate it!
  4. What are the ant's eating? It's not your plants. Likely they're attracted to something that is eating your plants. I'd be more concerned about that.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Good thought for sure... thankfully no plants in pots at the moment, so I have some time to look into that side of things too. Appreciate ya!
  6. If that’s the case boiling water will do the trick
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. hah brutal! and a great easy idea, thank you for that.
  8. I second his recommendation. Since you have no plants in the pots, boiling water is the best route. I'm guessing the essential oils did nothing as usual?

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