Is this slug damage? Seems to be attacking strictly new growth.... Also, can't find slug trails. wrapped copper around my pots as a precaution. can't be thrips or mites..
looks more like catapillars or grasshoppers too me. not sure of the bugs near your location but that's what we fight off where I live. Spider mites wouldn't eat leaves like that, you would probably see some slug trails if it were slugs. What about aphids?
how can you repel grasshoppers? I so have caterpillars here, but haven't seen any so far on the property.
homemade chili sprays, garlic oils, and chickens are the best ways. I have wild chickens on my property so I don't have a grasshopper problem. My buddy makes a spray through his coffee maker. He puts garlic, ceyenne pepper, chili powder, and coffee grounds I beleive. not sure how much of each.