Slow Growth

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Ponsrow, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. -Ruple's Bubble buckets
    -32 days since germination
    -20 days in cab
    -400w air cooled MH
    -Res temp average 68
    -Room temp average 75
    -PH 5.85
    -PPM 1250 at .7

    I sprouted my Nirvana Wight Widows in a paper towel then put them into rockwool. I then had them in a humidity done for a few days till i could see the roots popping out the bottom. transferred them to 3" net pots in a mini bubbler under 80w floros. They were moved to the cab under the 400watter 12 days later. I started them off with about 300, 400 ppm and gradually brought them up to 1250 over the course of the first 12 days. They've stayed at 1250 since then and seem to be doing pretty good.

    My question is do you think the growth that I'm showing is reasonable for my set up and for the length of time they've been vegging. There has been very little growth over the past couple of days, maybe some bushing out but no vertical growth whatsoever. I thought that by next weekend I'd be able to throw them into flower but I'm not even close!

    Any thoughts?

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  2. #2 sensi13, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Hello! I just found your thread. Your room is looking good!

    My girls looked quite a bit different than yours. Are yours feminized? Mine weren't nearly as bushy. However, I planted the seeds in soil to make mothers out of them and then used them for clones. Maybe if I had put my seeds in the buckets, they would be more similar to yours.

    Your plants are a good size to start really getting some serious growth. If your ph is good, and your temps are ok, then I would just try to relax and give it another week. It is not a fast process, and they are looking healthy.

    How close is your light?
  3. Wats up yo your buckets look awesome dude. Im gonna make some too. Its only been 32 days from germination until now? They look really good. I say another two or 3 weeks and they'll be at least 10 inch or so and ready to flower.
  4. Sweeeeeet! I was concerned maybe i was doing something wrong because nothings happened in awhile, not to mention there is virtually no vertical growth. I was really hoping to LST these buggers but it's damn near impossible with such a tight, compact plant.

    I'm able to keep my temps at 78 with the light anywhere between 12 and 14 inches above the canopy so that's what I've been rockin since the beginning. I just raised the light today though. Not 100% sure how high it is but I'm guess about 18" above canopy. Hopefully that will allow them to stretch their arms out a bit.
  5. I am in the same boat friend. On my 3rd grow so not totally new. but mine are as short and bushy as yours. I am actually relieved to see your plants,I thought I had retards :)

    Your plants are about the same size as mine at the same point in time. Looks great otherwise.

    Good Luck
  6. I would cut your ppms down to at least 800. theres no reason to have it that high that early there not eating even half of it. could cause some nute toxicity. I would say they are growing a tad slow. I can go from 6 inch clones in rockwool alone and hand watering and in 3 weeks there at least 2 ft. thats not even in a system. thats also with feeding nutes at 1/4 strength. Just shows to much. In fact I half my nutes the whole grow and never go over 1000.
  7. tips of some leaves show what looks like early signs of nute burn.
  8. I'm not sure if I should bring the nutes down. I've been sitting at 1000 (.7 conversion) for about a week because before that they were showing some nitrogen deficiencies. In fact the new growth looks the slightest bit yellow, giving me the idea that i should even try bumping them up a tad. I'll hold off for the next week and see how they manage.

    Those tips are on some of the older leaves which i did burn at one point... whoops. haha. The new growth looks good though. No burnt tips. When i check my PPMs everyday the PH is slightly higher and PPMs are staying fairly steady. They are even decreasing a bit day by day. From what I've read you want to try and find that point where no matter how much water has decreased your PPMs and PH stay completely steady. I've almost got it with the one girl however the other one is a little on the stubborn side.

    Thanks for your reply's everyone. Keep em coming.
  9. How are things coming along man? I have not seen any pics of your stuff in a while. Everything on track?
  10. yeah give us an update!!!!
  11. My white widows from nirvana are growing pretty slow. The AK-48 i got from them grew twice as fast, if not faster.
  12. As you wish

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  13. AK-48! When deciding what strain to go with it was a toss up between White Widow, AK-48, and Northern Lights. You'll have to let me know how that smoke turns out! I would love to give her a go on my next round. Which seed bank did you get your beans from?

  14. WOW they look amazing!!! really impressive i love your setup.

  15. Got them straight from Nirvana. I recommend it, smoke is fantastic. Super strong. I really want to get northern lights, but cant stop buying the AK-48 seeds!
  16. Wow, things are looking outstanding! I tried to give you rep, but it said that I have to spread the love elsewhere first, lol. I think you are going to be very happy in a couple more months!
  17. Thanks man! I'm glad you enjoy it. I like the set up too. It's nice and simple which is what i wanted for a first run. I'll likely keep it for a couple years and then upgrade to a larger space. Something worthy of a smaller SOG. Who knows.

    Excellent! I've got a couple WW beans left to use on my next run but perhaps after that I will look into the AK-48. Everyone says it's got a really intense high and the fact that it finishes in 48 days (in optimal conditions) is unbelievable too!

    Why thank you Sensi! I'm pretty jealous of where your at right now, however it gives me something to look forward to. Almost like a glimps into the future. haha. I had the same problem with my rep too. I'm only subscribed to a couple threads so i keep giving the same people rep. Gotta Share the wealth I guess.
  18. Check it out Meng

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  19. Looking good! That stretch is something else isn't it? It scared me for a while there, lol. Things started slowing down about week 5 or so if I remember correctly.

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